Friday, August 8, 2008

Introducing a Revolutionary Breakthrough in Cellular Anti-Aging

Hey folk Im here at the Shaklee convention in New Orleans and what a great time to be in Shaklee. Here's the skinny.

How would you like to feel 25 years YOUNGER and live 25 years LONGER

Cellular Anti-aging Tonic is a Revolutionary Breakthrough in the fight Against Cellular Aging.

Developed after years by Shaklee Corps. The number one natural nutrition company in the USA. The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic is the world's best anti-aging supplement. Not only has Shaklee filed patents to protect the innovation, we have also ensured Shaklee will have the entire output of the largest and best growers of one of the key ingredients so that we can deliver these exclusive benefits to you.

Here are just some of the exclusive benefits to you :

  • 3000 glasses of red wine: A 30 day supply of The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3000 glasses of red wine, and The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are 10x more powerful in slowing a key mechanism of aging than resveratrol alone.

  • 2000 research publications: Just one of the ingredients in The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic alone has been referenced in over 2000 research publications, including multiple studies conducted by Harvard University, at the National Institute on Aging, at the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Environmental Science.

  • 10x more powerful: The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing a key mechanism of aging - AGE protein formation

A 30 Day Supply of The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of Red Wine and The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are 10x more powerful in slowing a key mechanism of cellular aging

  • 4 Key Mechanisms of Cellar Aging:
    DNA Damage; every day, every cell in your body is bombarded by up to a million DNA- damaging assaults. These assaults can damage the cell’s genetic database, creating a “typo that may compromise cell function and longevity.
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients help protect and repair cellular DNA
    Genetic Regulators: Genetic regulators contribute to age-related cellular deterioration.
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic Ingredients positively impact genetic regulators that help turn down cellular aging
    Declining Cellular Energy Production:Mitochondria in our cells create energy we can’t live without. As mitochondria in our cells create energy we can’t live without. As mitochondrial efficiency decreases, cell function declines
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients promote mitochondrial biogenesis.
    Accumulation of Age Proteins: Excess Accumulation of Advanced Glycation End products (AGE) can cause cellular damage that can compromise sell integrity and longevity.
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are 10x more powerful than resveratrol alone at slowing AGE protein formation.

    Fights Cellular Aging and More
    In laboratory studies, The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients have been shown to impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging:
    · Protect and repair cellular DNA
    · Positively impact genetic regulators
    · Promote mitochondrial biogenesis
    · Slow AGE protein Formation
    · Heart Health
    · Brain health and cardiovascular function
    · Enhanced immunity
    · Joint health

    All natural patent pending. Clinically tested key ingredients Exclusive to Shaklee
    The World’s Best Anti-Aging Supplement
    A Revolutionary Breakthrough in the Fight Against Cellular Aging

Now you got information on the new The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic
If you would like to order this product Click Here!!

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