Friday, August 8, 2008

Introducing a Revolutionary Breakthrough in Cellular Anti-Aging

Hey folk Im here at the Shaklee convention in New Orleans and what a great time to be in Shaklee. Here's the skinny.

How would you like to feel 25 years YOUNGER and live 25 years LONGER

Cellular Anti-aging Tonic is a Revolutionary Breakthrough in the fight Against Cellular Aging.

Developed after years by Shaklee Corps. The number one natural nutrition company in the USA. The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic is the world's best anti-aging supplement. Not only has Shaklee filed patents to protect the innovation, we have also ensured Shaklee will have the entire output of the largest and best growers of one of the key ingredients so that we can deliver these exclusive benefits to you.

Here are just some of the exclusive benefits to you :

  • 3000 glasses of red wine: A 30 day supply of The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3000 glasses of red wine, and The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are 10x more powerful in slowing a key mechanism of aging than resveratrol alone.

  • 2000 research publications: Just one of the ingredients in The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic alone has been referenced in over 2000 research publications, including multiple studies conducted by Harvard University, at the National Institute on Aging, at the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Environmental Science.

  • 10x more powerful: The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing a key mechanism of aging - AGE protein formation

A 30 Day Supply of The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of Red Wine and The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are 10x more powerful in slowing a key mechanism of cellular aging

  • 4 Key Mechanisms of Cellar Aging:
    DNA Damage; every day, every cell in your body is bombarded by up to a million DNA- damaging assaults. These assaults can damage the cell’s genetic database, creating a “typo that may compromise cell function and longevity.
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients help protect and repair cellular DNA
    Genetic Regulators: Genetic regulators contribute to age-related cellular deterioration.
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic Ingredients positively impact genetic regulators that help turn down cellular aging
    Declining Cellular Energy Production:Mitochondria in our cells create energy we can’t live without. As mitochondria in our cells create energy we can’t live without. As mitochondrial efficiency decreases, cell function declines
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients promote mitochondrial biogenesis.
    Accumulation of Age Proteins: Excess Accumulation of Advanced Glycation End products (AGE) can cause cellular damage that can compromise sell integrity and longevity.
    The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients are 10x more powerful than resveratrol alone at slowing AGE protein formation.

    Fights Cellular Aging and More
    In laboratory studies, The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic ingredients have been shown to impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging:
    · Protect and repair cellular DNA
    · Positively impact genetic regulators
    · Promote mitochondrial biogenesis
    · Slow AGE protein Formation
    · Heart Health
    · Brain health and cardiovascular function
    · Enhanced immunity
    · Joint health

    All natural patent pending. Clinically tested key ingredients Exclusive to Shaklee
    The World’s Best Anti-Aging Supplement
    A Revolutionary Breakthrough in the Fight Against Cellular Aging

Now you got information on the new The Cellualar Anti-aging Tonic
If you would like to order this product Click Here!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Top 50 Reasons Why Shaklee is in a Class by Itself

This month, Shaklee holds its national convention where they will introduce what they are calling, “one of the most exciting product launches in Shaklee’s 50-year history”. As we wait to learn more about Shaklee’s newest discovery, we've updated the Top 50 Reasons Why Shaklee is in a Class by Itself. This list was originally put together during Shaklee’s 50th Anniversary in 2006.

As you'll see below, there are many reasons why you've made the right choice in choosing Shaklee for your health and wellness needs. Yes, there are some other companies that make quality food supplements or naturally sourced beauty or personal care products. These companies, however, don't begin to approach the level of scientific proof of performance for their products or are as meticulous about quality control, from the farm to the consumer, as Shaklee. Shaklee exceeds industry standards in everything that carries its name.

When it comes to the environment, Shaklee has been a leader before there even was an environmental movement. Since 1960 Shaklee has led by strong leadership actions; from extolling the virtue of phosphate-free detergents back when phosphates were all the rage back in the 60’s and 70’s, to today with the Get Clean product line, the leading line of green, safe, toxic-free cleaning and laundry products that outperform even non-green cleaners. Plus, Shaklee is the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification. That’s what leaders do – they lead.

So “Thank You” for choosing Shaklee and for choosing us to be your Shaklee distributor. We look forward to sharing with you all the exciting announcements from Shaklee’s convention in next month’s newsletter. In the meantime, here are just 50 of the many reasons why you've made a great choice with Shaklee...

50 Reason Why Shaklee is in a Class by Itself.

1) Shaklee Philosophy --Dr. Shaklee set the philosophy that has guided this company for over 50 years – look to nature to provide direction for wholesome, life-sustaining products, use no ingredients that would cause harm to people or the planet, and guarantee product performance through scientific research and clinical testing. 2) Shaklee Guarantee – Shaklee stands behind its product 100%/ We offer an unconditional money back guarantee on any Shaklee nutritional, personal care or household product.

3) #1 Natural Nutrition company in the United States.

4) First company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset our Co2 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment.

5) Over 90 published studies in peer-reviewed scientific journals--more than any other nutritional company.

6) Products undergo as many as 262 separate quality assurance tests throughout the manufacturing process.

7) Seven of Time Life Magazine’s 25 Greatest Adventures of All Time were powered by Shaklee products, including Mt. Everest expedition, and the Jacques Cousteau and Voyager expeditions.

8) Nutriferon - Created by Dr. Kojima, renowned immunologist who discovered interferon in 1954. Nutriferon is the only supplement that naturally increases production of interferon in the body, which is critical to healthy immune function.

9) Basic-H2 Super Organic Household Cleaner - Originally created in 1960 as the first biodegradable cleaning product in the US. It’s one of Oprah Winfrey's favorite cleaners.

10) Enfuselle - the most advanced anti-aging skin care line in the world with eight patents and unprecedented results in the decrease in fine lines and wrinkles.

11) 2008 Shaklee Corporation is honored with a Stevie Award for Best Corporate Environmental Responsibility Program

12) Partnership with Nobel Peace Laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai and her Green Belt Movement improving the lives of millions in Africa through planting trees.

13) Shaklee Scientific Advisory Board -- group of nationally recognized and renowned physicians and scientists that provide Shaklee with guidance on the making of its products. htt

14) Vita-Lea multivitamin-- 349 controlled tests for quality, millions of satisfied customers. The best multi on the market!

15) S.M.A.R.T. Shaklee Micronutrient Advanced Release Technology.
A 12-patented vitamin delivery system that releases key nutrients into the body at the right time and place. Used in Vitalizer.

16) Vitalizer: 80 bio-optimized nutrients providing the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics to both supercharge your vitality today and provide long-term protective health tomorrow!

Vitalizer Online Video at:

17) 20-year partnership with National Geographic award-winning polar explorer Will Steger on several record-setting expeditions that also shed light on the effects of global warming in Arctic and shared with classrooms nationwide.

18) Shaklee Soy Protein products are non-genetically modified soy, and are water washed to retain critical isoflavones unlike other products that use alcohol wash.

19) Shaklee has been the nutritional advisor to several U.S. Olympic teams including the U.S. Ski & Snowboarding Team

20) Landmark Study - first long term study of dietary supplement users of its kind. Clinically showed that people who took Shaklee supplements for 20 years or more had markedly better health than both other multivitamin and non-supplement users.

21) Shaklee does not conduct animal testing of any kind on any Shaklee product marketed anywhere in the world.

22) Vita-Lea Gold: Best multivitamin formulation ever created for adults 50 and over to help you maintain good health as you age.

23) Shaklee Performance - Enhanced sports drink clinically proven to increase endurance.

24) FlavoMax & CarotoMax - only super antioxidant supplements that deliver six key classes of flavonoids and six of the most beneficial carotenoids.

25) CarotoMax - Institute of Nutraceutical Advancement uses Shaklee's CarotoMax, the most powerful carotenoid antioxidant available, as a validating standard against which other carotenoid products are measured.

26) CoQHeart - exclusive patented technology delivers more CoQ10 than any other product and contains resveratol - believed to be the most beneficial antioxidant in red wine.

27) Joint Health Complex - works in as little as a week compared to typical glucosamine and/or chondroitin products, which can take as long as one to two months to achieve any results.

28) EZ Gest -- multi-action, plant-based enzymes to optimize digestion of all food groups. Other products use animal-based enzymes that only work on a specific type of food.

29) Optiflora Colon Care System - patented triple-layer encapsulation technology makes it the only microflora product that guarantees live delivery of beneficial bacteria to the intestines.

30) Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets – softens clothes and helps prevent wrinkles with a totally biodegradable, vegetable sheet that breaks in two in the dryer for even distribution of softener and greater reduction of static cling.

31) Minerelles Natural Cosmetics -- natural ingredients used to enhance your natural beauty and are better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all.

32) Get Clean Starter Kit: Eliminates 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills and 248 pounds of greenhouse gas. Turns your home into a non-toxic environment. Plus, Shaklee plants five trees for every Starter Kit sold.

33) AirSource 3000 – with dual patent technology, this filterless air purifier reduces all three of the major forms of air pollution and does so up to 3000 sq. ft!

34) Longest successfully operated network marketing company with close to $4 billion in commissions paid to Shaklee distributors.

35) Cinch Inch Loss plan clinically proven to help people lose fat, weight and inches while maintaining lean muscle mass. Over $100 million in sales first year.

36) Vita-Lea Ocean Wonders is the most comprehensive, tooth-friendly children’s multivitamin and multimineral supplement available today. Providing over 23 essential nutrients and NO artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors or preservatives.

37) Over $250 million invested in clinical testing, research and development.

38) NutriWhite Skin Care line – advanced patent-pending formula helps diminish the appearance of skin discoloration in five different ways. Brightens, nourishes and renews skin with natural nutrients.

39 ProSante – clinically proven formula to reduce hair loss during combing by 65%, also naturally thickens and strengthens hair.

40) Roger Barnett -- Shaklee's dynamic, visionary CEO committed to expanding Shaklee golobally, and making it the world's number one health and wellness company.

41) Shaklee nutrition products tested for bioavailability to ensure nutrients are bioavailable for use in the body where and when they can do the maximum good.

42) Shaklee Kosher Products: undergo rigorous evaluation before being labeled Star-K Kosher quality.

43) All product label claims have documented substantiation; what's on the label is in the product and the ingredients are in amounts that are scientifically and clinically proven to be safe and effective.

44) Tests every incoming raw material batch to confirm Shaklee's product specifications have been met and ensure they are the purest, natural ingredients.

45) Shaklee's clinical research protocols aligned with pharmaceutical standards that ensure product safety, purity, reliability and performance.

46) In a Consumer Reports issue on the "Dirty Dozen" ingredients in nutritional supplements widely available in US, none of the harmful ingredients listed had ever been used in a Shaklee supplement.

47) Fifty-four Olympic Gold Medalists and many other top athletes rely on Shaklee nutritional products to fuel their athletic achievements:

48) In Harmony with Nature - a Shaklee founding principle towards creating products that are safe, gentle on the earth, and help you achieve an optimal state of balance and good health.

49) 24,750,000 lives touched by Shaklee and growing daily.

50) Absolute unwavering pursuit of quality without compromise. Ever.


Thank you again for choosing Shaklee products for your family’s wealth and wellness needs. Feel free to contact me with any Shaklee-related questions.

Yours in Health,