Monday, October 3, 2011

If could only take Five Supplements

If I could only take five supplements, what would they be?” There would only be one box(Vitalizer Strips)
I only had room for five supplements per day, so they had to be the really important ones.
So here they are. By the way… these are also the ones I recommend you begin with if you’re just starting out — or the ones you can cut back to if you need to save money. Anyway, here goes…
1. A high-quality multi-vitamin (Try Vitalizer)
Topping the list is an excellent quality multi-vitamin. This is essential because a multi “fills in the blanks” of your diet (no matter how good it is), so you’re not running dangerously low on the essential nutrients your body needs for optimal functioning.
Be sure to avoid the TV-advertised one-a-days you find in your local drugstore. These are nearly worthless because their ingredients are based on the “bare minimum” official Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), now upgraded to the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).
The RDA evolved from the old Minimum Daily Requirement (MDR) set by the government. This means the nutrients in most of the popular multis contain the minimum doses necessary to prevent nutritional -deficiency diseases, such as scurvy (vitamin C), beriberi (vitamin B1), and others. This certainly is not how to guarantee optimal health.
These mainstream multis are notoriously feeble. For example, Consumer Reports recently concluded that Centrum is the worst vitamin for seniors in its class. (There goes that advertising revenue!)
Consumer Reports also found that The Vitamin Shoppe’s One Daily failed to dissolve in a simulated stomach environment, while containing less vitamin A than its label claims.
You can avoid this pitfall by sticking to high-quality, bioavailable multivitamins that are reasonably priced and lab-tested. One of my favorites is Vitalizer , formulated by Shaklee Corps. It’s a terrific multi that contains a broad list of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and enzymes that easily are absorbed and quickly bioavailable. This is the multinourishing my body anywhere.
2. A quality omega-3 supplement (Vitalizer)
Fish oil is today’s bestselling supplement — and with good reason. The EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in omega-3 fish oil have profoundly positive effects on human health.
DHA slows your liver’s production of undesirable triglycerides, making it extremely protective against heart disease and diabetes.
In addition, fish oil is incredibly effective at reducing inflammation. It accomplishes this by triggering the release of prostaglandins (natural substances that regulate immunity, inflammation, blood clotting, brain function, plus a host of other essential functions).
There’s not enough room here to list all the healing effects of omega-3. The highlights include: Healing blood vessel walls … keeping the blood thin (thus minimizing clotting) flowing smoothly … lowering blood pressure … stabilizing blood sugar … and brightening your mood.
The American Heart Association recommends a daily dose of 500-1,000 mg of DHA and EPA from fish oil to reduce heart disease — but I think this is a paltry dose. I prefer to take 6,000 to 9,000 iu daily in three equal doses — and find this really helps my arthritis.
There’s just one problem. The huge demand for fish oil is wreaking havoc on marine life. Overfishing is depleting fish stocks and the oceans are on the brink of crisis.
Even oils extracted from krill (tiny, omega-3-rich crustaceans) are troublesome. That’s because krill are at the bottom of the ocean’s food chain — and larger fish depend upon them for life. Harvesting krill deprives all fish of their main food supply.
This is why I prefer to get my omega-3 from marine phytoplankton (also known as “micro algae”) these days.
Phytoplankton is the plant-based omega-3 food source that supplies krill and other fish with EPA and DHA. Raised in large, land-based tanks, phytoplankton is free of mercury contaminants, heavy metals, and ocean pollution. Its good stuff — and you’re not depriving fish of their food supply.
3. Co-enzyme Q-10
CoQ-10 (also known as ubiquinol) is a nutrient produced by the “energy factories” in your cells called mitochondria. Taking a CoQ-10 supplement boosts the way your cells produce and use energy. It also helps your body burn fat … improves cholesterol ratios … boosts your physical energy levels … and improves thyroid and pancreas functions.
By the way, statins — the widely — (or is it “wildly”?) prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs — actually deplete your body’s natural CoQ-10. Statins block production of cholesterol in the liver, where CoQ-10 is also manufactured. Without sufficient CoQ-10, statins can cause liver damage … irregular heartbeat … muscle weakness … leg cramps … heart attack and stroke (the two potentially fatal conditions that statins are supposed to prevent).
Other medications also can limit your body’s production of CoQ-10, including: Diabetes drugs … antidepressants … female hormone replacement therapy … and blood pressure meds. If you take any of these, you definitely need to supplement with CoQ-10.
When shopping, labels may read “CoQ-10” or “Coenzyme Q-10”, but the more active form will be labeled “QH” or “ubiquinol.” This is a stronger form of CoQ-10, though purchasing that version isn’t essential, especially if price is an issue. Take 100 mg two or three times twice per day, because your body can’t metabolize higher doses.
4. Magnesium citrate
You’ve been hearing about calcium and bone health forever — but did you know that magnesium and calcium are like conjoined twins? Calcium can’t even be absorbed unless magnesium is present. Without it, calcium is much less effective in maintaining your bones and regulating your nerve and muscle tone.
In fact, new research shows that Americans need far more magnesium than the current RDI — and that you should really be consuming twice as much magnesium as calcium for optimal health.
Magnesium may be the most important mineral you can take because it’s a key player in 300 essential bodily functions, and is used by all of your organs. It activates enzymes … powers your energy … and helps your body absorb vitamin D, potassium, and zinc.
The majority of Americans are magnesium-deficient due to the low-quality, processed foods in the typical American diet. Produce grown in mineral-depleted soil won’t provide much magnesium, either.
If you have blood sugar issues, you should know that magnesium helps regulate blood sugar and insulin activity. In addition, magnesium’s ability to relax muscles and nerves makes it one of your best allies in the battle against anxiety … hypertension … restless leg syndrome … sleep disorders … and abnormal heart rhythm.
Consuming magnesium supplements can be challenging, as they tend to be large and difficult to digest.  Start with a low dose, because it can loosen your stools (not necessarily a bad thing if constipation is a problem).
5. Sunshine vitamin D (Shaklee D3 Quiz)
This is rapidly becoming the miracle vitamin of our time. Every week, it seems, there’s a new finding about D’s marvelous benefits. Most Americans are badly deficient in vitamin D because doctors consider the sun our enemy — and your skin converts solar rays into this essential vitamin.
Numerous studies show that this amazing vitamin is protective against all cancers (even skin cancer and melanoma!) … strengthens bones … prevents and even heals diabetes … protects against heart disease … lowers blood pressure … reverses depression … and elevates mood.
Whenever you can, spend 10-20 minutes sunbathing — without sunscreen. (Your body transforms sunshine into all the vitamin D it needs.) If your access to sunlight is limited by season or geographic location, take 2,000-5,000 iu of a good quality vitamin D supplement daily. (The elderly and African-Americans need higher doses.) Official recommendations call for a scant 600 iu, which is far too low. Just make sure you purchase vitamin D3 (not D2) because the D3 form is 87% more potent than vitamin D2.
No more “supplement overwhelm”  
Taking these five supplements should cover all the important bases and provide your body with optimal nutrition (provided you’re eating a healthy diet).
Now I’d like to hear from you. Do you have a favorite supplement that I’ve missed? Do you have a story about how a particular supplement or herbal remedy turned your health around?
Please share whatever’s on your mind about nutritional supplements here so we can all benefit from your experience.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Law Could Empty Vitamins Aisle...

Do you take your daily multi, or at least make it an intention? That option might become a lot more complicated in the near future.
The FDA, which regulates foods and drugs in the US, has turned its focus on nutritional supplements — and its proposed criteria will leave very few supplements standing.  

Read More ......

This is the reason to Try Shaklee Products

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Save with Shaklee Vitalizer

Have you heard the good news?
Shaklee just launched a Referral Program where you could earn a $25 product credit for every new customer you refer who makes a purchase of $25 or more!
This is a great opportunity for you to get more of the products you love for a whole lot less. And you'll be helping others live healthier, too! So if you haven't already done so, I encourage you to start sharing.
Let me know if you have any questions

Plus, here's a little something for your friends to enjoy: They receive Member Pricing on their first Shaklee order. That's 15% off!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Join Today And Get FREE Sports Nutrition Pack!!!

With clinically proven formulas† that help you train longer,
recover faster, and perform better, Shaklee Sports Nutrition
provides what your body needs before, during, and after
workouts. Natural ingredients you can trust, with no artificial
flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.

Sports Nutrition Pack includes:

You might try one of our best sellers,
Shaklee Vitalizer™ ($79.25 MN),
your foundation for health.

Monday, June 20, 2011

All About Where Vitamin Supplements Come From

All About Where Vitamin Supplements Come From

I don’t know about you, but ever since I swallowed my first Flintstones’ chewable, I envisioned vitamin supplements coming from a magical fairyland where wizards would squeeze all the nutrients from whole vegetables and fruits. Do you have these visions too?

So good reading and information from Ryan Andrews,

This is another reason to Look at Shaklee Products

Monday, June 13, 2011

Supreme Court decision on GMO Alfalfa a victory for Center for Food Safety and farmers

I found this and thought that everyone should know what is going on with our food.

The United States Supreme Court announced its decision today in Monsanto v. Geerston Farms, the first genetically modified crop case ever brought before the Supreme Court. Although the High Court decision reverses parts of the lower courts’ rulings, the judgment holds that the ban on planting Roundup Ready Alfalfa still stands until and unless future deregulation by the Agency occurs. This is a major victory for the Center for Food Safety and the Farmers and Consumers it represents!

In the majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito, the Court held: “In sum…the vacatur of APHIS’s deregulation decision means that virtually no RRA (Roundup Ready Alfalfa) can be grown or sold until such time as a new deregulation decision is in place, and we also know that any party aggrieved by a hypothetical future deregulation decision will have ample opportunity to challenge it, and to seek appropriate preliminary relief, if and when such a decision is made.” (Opinion at p. 22).

The Court also held that:

  • Any further attempt to commercialize RRA even in part may require an EIS subject to legal challenge.
  • The Court further recognized that the threat of transgenic contamination is harmful and onerous to organic and conventional farmers and that the injury allows them to challenge future biotech crop commercializations in court.

USDA indicated at the Supreme Court argument that full deregulation is about a year away and that they will not pursue a partial deregulation in the interim. Any new attempt at deregulation in full or part will still be subject to legal challenge.

Many of you may have read press this morning reporting that the 7-1 decision announced by the Supreme Court today went entirely in Monsanto's favor. Not to our surprise, Monsanto’s PR machine is working hard to overpower the truth in today's decision in the first-ever Supreme Court case on genetically engineered crops (Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms). While the decision is complicated, this Court opinion is in many ways a victory for CFS and a defeat against Monsanto—especially given that it is still illegal to sell or plant GMO alfalfa.

CFS’s Executive Director, Andrew Kimbrell authored an article in today's Huffington Post

to help clarify the legal ramifications of the decision. Grist
also has a good piece outlining the decision, as does Eco Centric

Despite what Monsanto is claiming—and what many mainstream media outlets reported earlier this morning—today’s ruling isn’t even close to the victory they were hoping for. Generally speaking, Monsanto asked the Supreme Court to rule on three main issues: (1) to lift the injunction on GMO alfalfa; (2) to allow the planting and sale of GMO alfalfa; (3) to rule that contamination from GMO crops not be considered irreparable harm.

In fact, the court only ruled on the first request which it did affirm by stating that the injunction was overly broad and should be overturned. However, the Court ruled in CFS's favor on the other two issues, which in many ways are more important as the fact remains that the planting and sale of GMO alfalfa remains illegal. The Supreme Court ruled that an injunction against planting was simply unnecessary since, under lower courts’ rulings, Roundup Ready Alfalfa became a regulated item and illegal to plant. In other words, the injunction was “overkill’ because our victory in lower federal court determined that USDA violated the National Environmental Protection Act and other environmental laws when it approved Roundup Ready alfalfa. The court felt that voiding the USDA’s decision to make the crop legally available for sale was enough.

The Center is victorious in this case in several other ways: most importantly, the High Court did not rule on several arguments presented by Monsanto about the application of federal environmental law. As a result, the Court did not make any ruling that could have been hurtful to National Environmental Policy Act or any other environmental laws. In addition, the Court opinion supported the Center’s argument that gene flow is a serious environmental and economic threat. This means that genetic contamination from GMOs can still be considered harm under the law, both from an environmental and economic perspective, another huge victory for CFS.

We could not have gone all the way to the Supreme Court without your support—thank you!Your letters, phone calls and donations have been invaluable in the efforts to ban GE alfalfa. We will keep you updated on any Agency attempts to deregulate GE alfalfa and on the ongoing EIS process. In the meantime, if you have not already done so, please take a moment to contact your Congressional representatives and ask them to sign the “Dear Colleague” letter circulating in the U.S. House and Senate urging USDA to ban GE alfalfa.

Further background information on the history of this case and scientific studies are available at

. Today’s press release can be found here:
, and The Supreme Court decision can be viewed here:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Soothe Spring Allergies: 10 Food and Herb Fixes for Allergy Relief

Soothe Spring Allergies: 10 Food and Herb Fixes for Allergy Relief

Contact me if you would like more information on Shaklee Products that could help you with Alergy's Naturally

What we see we Eat

Fast Fact of the Week (New Feature): 60% of Americans
think that they are getting enough whole grains in
their diet, but only 5% actually are.

Normally I talk about clinical studies published in
peer-reviewed scientific journals. But, occasionally I
come across an article in the popular literature that I
just can't resist sharing with you.

The article "Under the Influence" in the May 2011 issue
of Nutrition Action is a perfect example.

It is an interview with Dr. Brian Wansink, who has
devoted his career to studying how external clues
influence our eating patterns.

Here are some examples of his studies:

- He gave moviegoers who had just eaten dinner either a
big bag or a small bag of stale popcorn. Those given
the big bag ate 34% more.

- He put clear glass dishes of candy either on a
secretaries desk or 6 feet away on a cabinet. The
secretaries consumed 125 more calories from candy when
it was on their desk.

- He was asked to consult for a cafeteria serving
health food because they weren't attracting enough
customers. He just advised them to change the names of
their menu items (eg "Succulent Tuscany Pasta" instead
of "Italian Pasta"). Sales increased by 27%.

- When he used a refillable soup bowl (it never goes
below half full) people ate 73% more soup than those
given a regular bowl of soup. When he asked the people
with the refillable bowl if they were full, they
replied "How could I be. I only ate half a bowl of

- When he took a batch of trail mix and labeled some as
"low fat" and some as "regular" people ate 21% to 46%
more calories of the "low fat" trail mix.

- When he showed people an Italian sandwich and told
them that it was from either "Jim's Hearty Sandwich
Shop" or from "Good Karma Healthy Foods", people
estimated the calories as 24% lower if they thought it
came from Good Karma.

- When he took students on a walk around a lake before
dinner, they ate more calories at dinner if they were
told that it was an exercise walk than if they were
told that it was a sight-seeing walk - and most of the
extra calories came from dessert.

And the fascinating thing is that it doesn't matter how
intelligent or well informed you are.

- He did a study with 60 graduate students. Just before
winter break he gave them a lecture on external eating
cues in which he specifically told them that they would
eat more from a big bowl of Chex Mix than from a small
bowl. The students then spent 90 minutes in small group
exercises designed to show them how to overcome
external eating cues.

After winter break he invited those same students to a
Super Bowl party in which he divided them into two
rooms and gave them, you guessed it, either large or
small bowls of Chex Mix. The ones given the large bowls
ate 53% more!

- He gave the same lecture to a meeting of The American
Diabetes Association (Those are the experts) and then
repeated the same experiment with them - and they still
ate more from the large bowls.

So now you know that overeating is mindlessly dependent
on external eating cues, AND that you can't avoid being
influenced by those external clues even if you are
intelligent and motivated!

So what can you do?

Dr. Wansink recommends planning ahead.

- Serve your food on small plates and don't leave food
lying around where you can see it or get to it easily.

- If you bring home a box or bag of snack food
(hopefully healthy snack food), divide it up into
healthy portion sizes as soon as you bring it home.

- Put the healthy food choices in the front of your
refrigerator or cupboard where you will see them easily
and hide the unhealthy foods in the back (or don't
bring them home to begin with).

To Your Health!
Dr. Stephen Chaney

Evolution of food provision to athletes at the summer Olympic Games - Pelly - 2011 - Nutrition Reviews - Wiley Online Library

Evolution of food provision to athletes at the summer Olympic Games - Pelly - 2011 -

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Free Shaklee Sports Nutrition with $70 order

Put in the Best, Bring out the Best With clinically proven formulas† that help you train longer, recover faster, and perform better, Shaklee Sports Nutrition provides what your body needs before, during, and after workouts. Natural ingredients you can trust, with no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives

Free Sports Nutrition Pack

Join Today and make a difference in your health.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ok I have been talking about Vitamin D for a while now. So lets gets going on other things that can help.
Here is something that I thought you might like know about Shaklee Products and the World.

After seeing that here's what you can do:


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obese adolescents lacking vitamin D

Obese adolescents lacking vitamin D

More info on Vitamin D
New study from Hasbro Children's Hospital finds need for increased surveillance

Another reason to take Shaklee Vita-D3

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Scientists Link Pediatric Allergies, Vitamin D Deficiency

Taking a daily vitamin supplement is a routine that has helped millions of Americans improve their senses of health, energy and well-being. Now, experts at Yeshiva University's Albert Einstein College of Medicine have announced that maintaining adequate nutrition appears to be linked to lower allergy rates in children.

Scientists Link Pediatric Allergies, Vitamin D Deficiency

Taking a daily vitamin supplement is a routine that has helped millions of Americans improve their senses of health, energy and well-being. Now, experts at Yeshiva University's Albert Einstein College of Medicine have announced that maintaining adequate nutrition appears to be linked to lower allergy rates in children.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day Celebration

Join now and help the Earth by using Earth friendly products. Make a different Now Change Brands and see the different!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Supplement Usage on the Rise - More than Half of US Adults Use Vitamins and Other Nutritional Supplements According to CDC Report Released Today

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that more than half of U.S. adults use dietary supplements. This represents a significant increase since 1988, when data was last compiled. Here are some links to emerging news stories on the CDC report, which offer a very positive outlook for nutritional supplement usage in the U.S.:

USA Today - "Study: More than half of U.S. adults over 20 take vitamins"

Washington Post - "Dietary supplement use keeps rising, federal survey shows" -

Council for Responsible Nutrition - "Government Report Cites Increase in Supplement Usage" -

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spread the Wealth

Happy Earth Day

As a Shaklee consumer, you´ve already committed to living an eco-friendly lifestyle, but there are undoubtedly others in your social circle that have yet to go green. Use this Earth Day as an opportunity to reach out and show them the real impact of living an environmentally responsible lifestyle. Green living not only reduces personal waste and your eco-footprint, but helps keep you and your family safe from the harsh chemical additives common to most modern household staples. This April, celebrate our planet by sharing the gift of green.

And if your not a Shaklee Consumer you can JOIN FREE with a 30 dollar purchase.

Maintaining a safe, healthy home is a full-time job, and making sure your family can stay clean and chemical-free means making the smart choices across the board. Stocking your shelves with powerful, naturally-based cleansers and detergents will get rid of grime and keep those potentially hazardous additives out of your home. Healthy Home Pack

Here is a little video with more information about Toxic Cleaners:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Free Cinch Sampler Pack Offer Extended thru March!

February is American Heart Month, so there’s never been a better time to focus on improving your heart health and quality of life! Try Shaklee products or start your own Shaklee business today and you can experience Cinch®, our incredible weight management plan, for FREE!*

Sign up as a new Member or Distributor with a minimum $70 MN order, or as a new GOLD Ambassador with the purchase of a GOLD or Super GOLD Mission PAK, and get a Cinch Sampler Pack, a $101 retail value, for FREE!*

The Cinch Sampler Pack Includes:
•1 canister of Cinch Vanilla Shake Mix
•1 box of Cinch Peanut Butter Crunch Snack Bars
•1 box of Cinch Pomegranate Energy Tea Mix
•Program Guide
•Pedometer (while supplies last)†
Also included: three months of introductory membership to (Charges will apply in fourth and subsequent months.)

* Shipping, handling, and sales tax will apply. Product Selection subject to availability. Any product may be substituted with a product of similar value at any time.

† Supplies of pedometer are limited. Pedometer may not be included with your Sample Pack.

We Recommend Shaklee Vitalizer™, $79.25 MN

With 80 bio-optimized clinically proven nutrients, Shaklee Vitalizer provides the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics.

The Heart/Weight Connection

"Heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death as well as the most financially costly disease in America. Being overweight is a major risk factor--but the good news is that weight loss helps support a healthier heart. I am most excited that we have our clinically tested Cinch program to help support the 2 out of 3 Americans who need help to lose the extra weight and body fat that puts them at risk for developing heart disease. I urge everyone who is concerned with their heart health to get started with Cinch today!"

--- Dr. Jamie McManus, M.D., FAAFP, Shaklee Chair of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education

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