Sunday, May 9, 2010

Health and Wellness Tip of the Week

Hopefully by now you’ve switched all your light bulbs to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs). But you can make an even more positive impact on the environment and your wallet by employing these energy efficient home strategies:

1. Replace Old Appliances. The refrigerator is the biggest energy vampire in your home, and the rest of your appliances are not far behind. Swap these out for energy star rated appliances to save 10-50% less energy than the old clunkers.

2. Adjust the Thermostat. Approximately 50% of a home’s energy use comes from heating and cooling. Lowering your heat temperature in the wintertime and raising your cooling temperature in the summer will reduce your energy use significantly. Recommended temperatures are 68°F in the winter and 78°F in the summer. You can purchase a programmable thermostat to adjust temperatures when you are not home as well.

3. Clean right. Run appliances like the washing machine and dishwasher at night during the summer to help keep the home temperature lower. In the winter time stay on top of cleaning your furnace filter to keep your furnace from doing too much work. If your furnace is over 25 years old, replace it with an energy star furnace – they use at least 25% less energy and will save on heating costs over the long run.

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