Monday, October 5, 2009

5-Step Detox to Revitalize You

At the arrival of spring it is a natural instinct to cast off the winter blues and feel renewed. It is also a great time to eliminate the toxins that have been burdening your system, leaving you sluggish and fatigued. Make a clean sweep with the 5-step detox listed below!

Why you need to spring clean your body
Your body is naturally equipped with a self-cleaning process. But too much sugar, caffeine, processed foods, stress, and too little exercise can slow the body's natural detox function to a slow pace. And then your body can't clean itself when it is put up against the increasing number of harmful and toxic substances in the environment. Toxins come in many forms: pesticides in produce, formaldehyde in carpets and cosmetics, PCBs from plastic containers, dioxins from bleached paper products, and more.

Your body will process and eliminate some of the hordes of chemicals that enter, but overflow gets stored in the liver, lungs, kidneys, fat cells, intestines, blood stream, and skin—which can result in chronic illnesses down the road. When you undergo a detox, you get these toxins out of your system.

How do you know if you need a detox?
You know you're suffering from toxic overload if you are experiencing fatigue, memory decline, difficulty focusing, allergies and infections, irritability, anxiety and depression, difficulty with weight gain and weight loss, muscle and joint pain or weakness, skin rashes and outbreaks, recurrent yeast and fungal infections, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and indigestion.

Most people report vast improvement in their symptoms after a detox. At first, you may feel a little fuzzy because of the toxins being released. However, when you stick with it, you will begin to feel more alert, energized, and full of vitality.

At-Home Detox
Start small! Begin with a one-day program and gradually increase to one week or more. Here are 5 steps to a daily detox that will gently cleanse your body:

1. Start the Detox Day Right
• First thing in the morning, drink one lemon squeezed in 12 ounces of warm filtered water. Lemon activates your liver to release toxins and helps to cleanse and move the roughage that stays behind in your intestines.

• Take acidophilus or a probiotic supplement. Acidophilus is one of the many "good" bacteria and yeasts known as the probiotics. Probiotics balance our intestinal functions, helping to break down food and control the "bad" bacteria that is also in your system—all of which optimizes the detoxification process. Always take probiotics on an empty stomach.

2. Your Detox Meals
These meals are designed to jump-start your body into becoming healthier.
• Breakfast: Eat oat bran cereal, brown rice, or any other whole grain cereal as long as it is unbleached and does not contain any added sugar or chemicals. Pair with unflavored soy milk.

• Lunch or Dinner: Eat any combination of beans, brown rice, oat bran, vegetables, and organic chicken, turkey, or soy-products. When you eat, notice how your food affects you. You should feel satisfied and energized. If you feel tired and sluggish, try eating smaller meals so that you don't overwhelm your digestion and interfere with the detoxification process.

3. Eat Green to Spring into Health
The green pigment in plants, chlorophyll, is structurally similar to the hemoglobin in the human body—the iron-containing element in blood. It increases red blood cell production and improves oxygenation, detoxification, and circulation. Be sure to eat several servings of fresh green vegetables every day during your detox. Try this super-cleansing broth and juice as a quick way to up your veggie intake.

Detox Broth: Add as many of these ingredients as you can into a large pot of filtered water: collards, Swiss chard, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, dandelion, Brussels sprouts, daikon radish, watercress, seaweed, shitake mushrooms, cilantro, garlic, leeks, fresh fennel, anise, fresh ginger, and turmeric. Boil until all ingredients are soft. You can make in a large batch and refrigerate for up to three days.

Detox Juice: Juice the following together: Aloe vera juice (which can be found in most health food stores), apples, asparagus, beets (including greens), cabbage, carrot and carrot greens, celery, cucumbers, and parsley. You can also purchase vegetable juice from the store, but be sure that it has no added salt or chemicals.

4. Supplement Your Detox
• Take a daily supplement of 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil, walnut oil, or deep-sea fish oil.

• Green Tea is a strong antioxidant, and a great beverage choice for your detox. Be sure to drink decaffeinated green tea.

• Dandelion and Milk Thistle both protect and restore the liver. According to Chinese medicine, the liver is most active in the detoxification process during spring.

• Ginger is a bowel and kidney cleanser. Make yourself tea from fresh ginger root during your detox.

A popular herbal formula among my patients is Internal Cleanse, a special combination of natural herbs to detoxify, calm nerves, clear the mind, promote emotional balance, and ease digestion. For more information, click here.

5. Take an Invigorating Herbal Soak
Soak for 20 minutes in a revitalizing herbal bath. Help draw out toxins by infusing your bath water with eucalyptus, wintergreen, peppermint, fennel, cinnamon, and epsom salts.

Spring may be the best time to cleanse your body, but you don't have to wait until spring to start. Detoxification and cleansing is a healthy maintenance program for all seasons.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Shaklee Independent Distributor

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Check out the New Websites From Shaklee.

I am so happy they are up and running now.
So go look at them and tell me what you think!!!!

Dream 2010 Trip and YOU CAN GO TOO!!!!

If you want a Free trip Let's get started by going here:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vivix Live 20 years Longer See how!!

Welcome to our special Vivix™, issue. On August 8th, it will be a year since Shaklee launched its most revolutionary product to-date. Since that time, thousands upon thousands of people have experienced the many health benefits of Vivix.

If you’re not taking Vivix, then read on to learn what all the excitement is about. We answer the most frequently asked questions and share some of the many testimonials. And if you are taking Vivix, be sure to check out how you could save 10%, 25% or MORE – even earn your Vivix free, or go beyond that and earn into Infinity!

In This Issue:
1) Vivix One Year Later And What It Can Do For You.
2) How to Save 25% or More on Vivix.
3) Vivix Faq and Testimonials


1) Vivix, One Year Later And What It Can Do For You!
Last August Shaklee introduced Vivix -- the most revolutionary breakthrough dietary supplement in its 53-year history. And that’s saying a lot, since Shaklee has made many leading breakthroughs in the field of nutrition over the years; including developing the first multivitamin, the first fish oil supplement, the first soy protein isolate, and one of the first weight loss shakes.

Yet, Vivix stands alone.

And that’s because Vivix directly addresses a yearning that has captured the imagination of scientists, artists, philosophers and everyday people for most of human history -- the quest for living a significantly healthier, longer life!

Shaklee’s Vivix™, is a powerful breakthrough in the aging of your cells. In laboratory studies, the ingredients in this remarkable anti-aging supplement have been shown to impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging.* Your daily dose of Vivix™:

• Helps protect and repair cellular DNA*
• Positively impacts genetic regulators*
• Promotes mitochondrial biogenesis (more cellular energy)*
• Slows the formation of AGE (Advanced Glycation End products) proteins* (plaque-like substances found in the cells; especially noticeable in diabetics)

Vivix™ also:
• Supports heart health and cardiovascular function*
• Supports brain health*
• Supports immune function*
• Supports joint health*
• Promotes cellular longevity*
• Promotes good health and well-being*
• Supplies antioxidants; fights free radicals*
• Increases cellular energy*

How can Vivix improve so many health functions including slowing the aging of cells, which may slow the onset of major illnesses?

It starts with Resveratrol.

Resveratrol is the active ingredient in red wine and has been hailed by the leading scientists as the key to unlocking the secrets to living a healthier, longer life by slowing cellular aging.
WebMD: "Resveratrol may prolong life and fight age-related diseases. Resveratrol is one of a group of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols found in red wine that has been reported to have anti-inflammatory as well as anticancer properties. Resveratrol may counter type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance”

Fortune Magazine: "Resveratrol is the ingredient in red wine that made headlines in November when scientists demonstrated that it kept overfed mice from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of Olympic marathoners, and seemed to slow down their aging process. Few medical discoveries have generated so much instant buzz..."

Vivix is by far the most powerful, most potent, and the most pure natural resveratrol anti-aging supplement on the market today.

Vivix™ is the combination of the most powerful super grape found in nature and ultra-pure, natural resveratrol. A 30-day supply of Vivix™ delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of red wine. One teaspoon delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 100 glasses of red wine. This anti-aging dietary supplement is all natural with no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives.

For a short 2-min online video about Vivix go to:

To order Vivix online go to:

2) How to Save 25% or More on Vivix
A month supply of Vivix retails for $100. But as a Shaklee member, you automatically save 15% off retail price, reducing your member cost to $85.

Dont for get membership with the order of Vivix.

But the savings don’t stop there. As a member you can save an additional 10% off the member price on Vivix by placing Vivix on AutoShip. AutoShip is a convenient member-only optional benefit that allows you to automatically get your Shaklee products shipped to you on a time schedule set by you, so you never run out of product. With Vivix on AutoShip the cost of a month’s supply of Vivix goes down to $76.50. That’s a savings of almost 25% off the retail price of $100.00!

To learn more about AutoShip and setting up your AutoShip order go to where you’ll find a handy tutorial about this excellent benefit of membership.

Want to save even more on Vivix? Even earn your Vivix for free? Then become a Shaklee distributor. As a distributor, you can earn an additional 15% off the member price on Vivix and all other Shaklee products when you reach 250 Product Volume (PV) points each month.

Every Shaklee product has volume points attached to it. For instance, each month’s supply of Vivix has 54.65 PV points. So, when you and/or people you sign up as members or distributors, order 5 or more Vivix in a given month, you would earn a Shaklee bonus check that could completely pay for the cost of your Vivix!

However, you must become a Shaklee distributor to earn this additional money. Members get their discounts on orders, but are not eligible to earn a bonus check above and beyond their discount; no matter how much PV they may accumulate in a given month. However any member who becomes a distributor and orders over 250 PV or more in a month is eligible to receive a bonus check from Shaklee and can earn income to pay for some or all of their products each month.

To become a distributor you need to order a Shaklee distributor kit at: cost is $39.95. But you can recoup this cost by placing a 100 PV point order when you order the kit (or within 30 days of ordering your distributor kit), which earns you a FREE Shaklee product of your choice (up to $100 retail). That free product could be Vitalizer or Vivix, which means your free product would more than pay off your $39.95 investment to become a distributor!

Become a distributor for $39.95
Order two boxes of Vivix.
Get third box of Vivix free.
Now you have one Vivix box to use and two to sell!

To take further advantage of the Vivix opportunity, Shaklee offers an even better option, which is to become a Shaklee “Gold Ambassador”. As a Gold Ambassador, you can create both short-term income and lifelong residual income with Tru-Infinity, a revolutionary compensation plan where every time anyone, anywhere in your organization orders Vivix you get paid!
Learn more about Tru-Infinity at:

The cost to become a Gold Ambassador is $299 and with that you receive over $500 worth of goods and services; including your choice of one of several product packages. We’d recommend the Tru-Infinity Mission Pack, which includes 2 boxes of Vivix. Plus, if you sign up before August 8th, you’ll receive SIX MONTHS of your own Shaklee Vivix website. Learn more about the exciting potential the Vivix opportunity offers you by watching this short, online video:

To sign up as a Gold Ambassador go to:

To sign up as a Gold Ambassador with the Vivix Tru-Infinity Mission Pak go to:

Feel free to contact us for more information on how you can position yourself for a longer, healthier and more prosperous life with Vivix. We offer great training and support!
We’ll be back in September with exciting news from Shaklee’s National Convention! Until then we wish you all the best!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Swine Flu and Your Health

This month we’re excited to announce TWO new Shaklee product lines Shakleebaby and Shakleekids to help little ones get the tender loving care they need and to help growing children develop strong bones, minds and bodies!

In response to the Swine Flu outbreak our product highlight this month is Nutriferon, Shaklee’s breakthrough immune building and protecting supplement. Plus, we share seven important ways you can build your immune system to protect yourself from germs, pathogens and other unwanted microbes.

In this Issue:
1) New Shakleebaby Products
2) New Shakleekids. Supersmart. Supersafe. Supernutritious.
3) Swine Flu and Nutriferon
4) Building and Supporting Your Immune System

1) New Shakleebaby Products.
Shaklee took sound science and the finest natural and organic ingredients to create a new line of Baby products that raises the bar for safety, gentleness and healthy ingredients.

The new Shakleebaby line features four new personal baby care products including:
Shakleebaby Gentle Wash
Shakleebaby Soothing Lotion
Shakleebaby Diaper Rash Cream
Shakleebaby Massage Oil

These new baby care products are Pediatrician tested, sensitivity tested, pH balanced, hypoallergenic and made without parabens, artificial colors or fragrances.

Shaklee also introduces Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder, the best and most comprehensive infant multi on the market with 23 essential vitamins, plus prebiotics, to support a strong immune system and 400 IU of Vitamin D, the amount recommended by the American Academy of Pediatricians for strong, healthy bones.

It’s so nutritious that it can be used as an added source of nutrients during the transition phase from breast milk or formula to solid foods to ensure that your little ones get the nutrients they need.

And it’s simple to use, just mix the powder with water, food or formula for all the added nutrition all growing babies need.

Learn more about the new Shakleebaby products by watching this short two-minute online video at:

You can order Shakleebaby products online at:
2) New Shakleekids. Supersmart. Supersafe. Supernutritious
Shaklee’s two new Shakleekids products are breakthrough nutritional products in the field of children’s health. They’re supersmart, supersafe and supernutritious!

Incredivites is the first kids’ chewable multivitamin with Lactoferrin, a unique, biologically active milk protein found naturally in breast milk and believed to provide one of the immuno-protective effects associated with breast-feeding. It also fuels the growth of beneficial microflora, which in turn supports digestive health.

Incredivites also contain 23 essential nutrients; including 600 IU of Vitamin D for strong bones and teeth, 100% of the Daily Value for all 8 essential B-Vitamins and Vitamin C. Comes in all-natural Tropical Punch, Grape and Berry flavors and it’s so tooth friendly – it can actually help REDUCE the risk of tooth decay! You won’t find a better children’s multivitamin than Incredivites out there.

For more information on Incredivites or to order it online go to:

Mighty Smart: Bursting with yummy citrus flavor, Mighty Smart chewable bites pack a wallop of 100% natural, ultra-pure DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, which is vital for early brain and visual development. Mighty Smart sharpen the mind, helping children remember and concentrate better. It also promotes retina development for healthier eyes.

Studies show that some kids are not getting enough of this important brain nutrient, which is prevalent in sardines, tuna, and organ meats such as liver. Not only do kids dislike the taste of such foods, there are health concerns according to the EPA, as some fish contain mercury, which can be detrimental to growing children.

For more information on Mighty Smart or to order it online go to:

3) Swine Flu and Shaklee’s Nutriferon
The recent Swine Flu outbreak really shows us that we live in a modern world where flu viruses can travel from anywhere to here in as little as a day. It’s a strong reminder on the importance of staying healthy and alert.
A strong and healthy immune system is your body’s most powerful frontline defense. Its intricate 
workings are designed to deal with substances that don’t belong in a healthy body. 
Shaklee’s Nutriferon is truly a breakthrough in immune science—a unique, multi-patented botanical blend created in collaboration with Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, the discoverer of interferon. Nutriferon is the only dietary supplement shown to naturally increase the production of interferon, critically important for immune health.
Nutriferon is such an important part of living health today that Shaklee included it in its RX for a Healthier Life program. Quite simply, there is no better immune building or immune shielding product on the market today.
To learn more about your immune system and to understand the critical role of Interferon as a first line of immune defense, check out this important online video at:
There are two ways you can save an additional 10% off the member price on Shaklee’s Nutriferon.
1) Include Nutriferon as part of an Autoship order. For more information on the many cost saving and reward earning benefits of enrolling in Shaklee’s flexible AutoShip program, go to:
2) Shaklee also offers a Nutriferon Share-It Pack that saves you an immediate 10% when you buy a 4-pack of Nutriferon at:
For other Shaklee immune support products go to:
4) Building and Supporting Your Immune System.
Here are seven additional ways you can help build and support your immune system. They’re easy and you can get started today!

1. Find Ways to Relax
Because stress produces the well-known “fight or flight” response, scientists hypothesize that your immune system may become weakened after frequent activation of the autonomic nervous system in the case of chronic stresses. There are a number of techniques to help you relax, such as deep breathing or yoga, listening to soothing music, taking a hot bath.

Shaklee’s Stress Relief Complex is also an effective stress reducer and works in 30 minutes or less to provide you with quick relief from tension and stress. Used over time, it will actually enhance your body’s ability to adapt to continuing stress. Stress Relief Complex has no side effects and does not make you drowsy. For more information or to order Stress Relief Complex online go to:

2. Sleep Matters.
Besides leaving you feeling sluggish, irritable, and forgetful, not getting enough sleep can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system by up to 50 percent. This is because sleep time is when the body and immune system do most of its repairs and rejuvenation.
Strive to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Remember, rest and relaxation go hand-in-hand.

For supplemental support, Shaklee’s Gentle Sleep contains a complementary blend of herbs - valerian, chamomile and passionflower that have been used safely for centuries to promote a calm and restful sleep.

To order Shaklee’s Gentle Sleep Complex go to:

3. Feed Your Immune System Well.
According to a number of studies, not getting enough nutrients in your diet can weaken your immune system. That is why nutritionists recommend a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains. Of special importance are foods that are rich in antioxidants (like vitamins C, E, beta carotene and lycopene), omega-3 fatty acids and folate. However many Americans have nutritionally deficient diets, which is why it is important to take supplements that have immunoactive properties.

Shaklee’s Vitalizer is Shaklee’s core nutrition program, providing 80 bio-optimized nutrients in a convenient tear off daily strip of six supplements. Guaranteed to having you feeling better with more energy and vitality within 30 days, Vitalizer also provides the nutrients your body needs to build a healthy immune system.

For more information on Vitalizer, or to order it online go to:
For maximum antioxidant protection, Shaklee’s CarotoMax and FlavoMax nutrition pack delivers a 30-day supply of whole-body antioxidant protection, protecting your cells and DNA from free radical attacks. For more information, or to order this dynamic antioxidant duo go to:

4. Drop Weight in a Healthy Way
If you are overweight, reducing weight is a healthy thing to do. But research finds that a rapid weight loss of more than 2 pounds a week can have negative immune effects. When it comes to successful weight loss and weight management, steady and slow is the way to go!

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), successful weight reduction is typically losing about 10 percent of your body weight in six months. Towards this end, experts recommend losing about ¾ to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3 pounds per week (weight reduction may be faster at the start of a program).

Shaklee’s Cinch Inch and Weight reduction program is scientifically designed to break the yo-yo dieting cycle forever. The Cinch program provides you with a safe, clinically-proven way to reduce excess weight and inches, and keep them off!

For more information on Shaklee’s Cinch Inch Loss Program go to:

5. Wash Your Hands
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of microorganisms that cause infections is good hand-washing hygiene. Washing your hands several times per day and always before you eat greatly reduces your exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Shaklee’s Hand Wash Concentrate not only cleans your hands, it moisturizes, conditions and energizes them with natural botanicals.
It’s pH-balanced and hypoallergenic with a fresh, natural scent.

For more information or to order online go to:

6. Disinfect Surfaces
Disinfecting surfaces is a smart way to protect against picking up left behind viruses. Shaklee’s Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. It kills bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli and other odor causing bacteria found on hard, non-porous surfaces like countertops, sinks, toilet bowls, doorknobs and faucets. And, unlike other wipes, it’s bleach-free, alcohol-free and fragrance-free!

For more information or to order Germ-Off Disinfecting Wipes go to:

7. Don’t Get Too Much Sun
Unprotected sun exposure is linked with immune suppression. That is why cold sores often appear following time spent in the sun. To protect your immune system always wear a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher.


Also dont for get to check out all the wonderful information below. Just click on the tree!

Yours in Health,

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cinch Biggest Loser

Join the Cinch Biggest Loser Challenge, and put yourself on the road to success. Simply sign up, get started on the cinch Inch Loss Plan – a leucine-powered weight management program which helps you retain muscle while you burn fat – and kiss those extra pounds good-bye. Before you know it, you’ll be inching your way toward a healthier you – and your chance at $5,000, $10,000 or $25,000 in cash rewards.
Enter between January 1, 2009, and March 31, 2009.

You know i cant wait to tell you all about this information so please go here: