Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You don’t need to be a pro athlete... to stay fit!

To keep your body “strong, fit and agile” you must exercise on a regular, planned basis. A good exercise workout should not only tone and strengthen all of the body’s major muscles, but should include enough aerobic activity to get your heart rate up and increase the capacity and strength of your cardiovascular system. Simply walking or doing exercises to a good aerobics video for 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times per week, will substantially increase your overall fitness level. Start slow but with a determination to keep it up for the rest of your life. The health benefits will astonish you and give you great pleasure... and it will lengthen your life!
Once you are fit, perhaps the challenge of more vigorous physical pursuits will beckon. Working out regularly with weights will strengthen muscles and give them definition. (And as a bonus... building lean muscle mass helps you burn excess fat deposits.) Soon, you may want to participate in a “tennis ladder” at the local recreation center. Perhaps you’ll join a hiking club. Or maybe... just maybe... you’ll decide to run a marathon! Once your body is “strong, fit and agile,” almost anything is possible!

You’re never too old to start!

When it comes to getting as fit as you can, age isn’t a factor. Even if you are so stiff and out of shape that you can’t even touch your knees, let alone your toes, you can gradually increase your flexibility and become fluid and graceful once again. What??? You can’t see your feet, even when you’re leaning forward because your stomach gets in the way? Following the Shaklee Cinch Plan while you embark upon a simple walking program will shrink that stomach faster than almost anything else. If you are only able to walk half a block on your first try, just attempt to walk a little farther each day. Do only what you can without total exhaustion... but do it!

Nutrition is critical to fitness

To give you the energy for regular exercise, the materials to build strong, healthy cells, and the endurance to stay with your program, you need to feed your body correctly. Your basic diet should be low in fat and cholesterol, but rich in raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, plenty of calcium-rich foods, and lots of water. Once you begin a more rigorous exercise program, however, there are other specific factors to take into consideration. What foods should you eat for maximum endurance? Is “carbo-loading” important before a big event? What is strategic hydration? How can you build muscle mass without dangerous steroids? How much protein is enough? What vitamins and minerals does your body need for maximum athletic performance?

Carbohydrates: The athlete’s “make-or-break” nutrient

It can’t be stated more simply: If you care about your athletic performance, you’ll eat more carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for your working muscles.Your muscles are fueled by three nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and protein. The harder you exercise, the more your body relies on carbohydrates for fuel. Why? Carbohydrates need far less oxygen to provide fuel than fat. That’s why when you’re resting and have plenty of oxygen, fat does a fine job of supplying energy. But when you exercise and your oxygen supply becomes limited, you rely more and more on carbohydrates for energy.
Although fat stores are virtually unlimited, fat needs carbohydrates to burn. Carbohydrates “prime” the metabolic machinery that turns fat into muscle fuel. When you run low on carbohydrates, the conversion of fat to muscle is slower. This makes your carbohydrate supply all the more important. Protein is also a source of muscle fuel, but your body knows that protein has another important job... it makes muscles. Perhaps for this reason, the body uses it much less often for energy than it does fat or carbohydrates. Typically only 5% of calories burned during exercise come from protein.

Fluids: Strategic hydration greatly increases endurance

Research has uncovered an amazing endurance aid that only a small number of athletes use competitively. It’s called strategic hydration. When manipulated correctly, it can literally control the amount of blood your heart has to pump, your heart rate, and your body temperature. And for an athlete, that can mean more energy and more stamina.

What happens when you exercise?

If you exercise long enough, hard enough, or in weather hot enough, your body builds up heat that needs to be released. This heat is released in three ways:

1) by breathing out;

2) by the skin’s exposure to cool air; and

3) by sweating.

When you sweat your body “borrows” the extra fluid you need to cool down from the blood, causing dehydration. While this allows your body to cool, it also means you have less blood flowing to the heart. Thus, the heart pumps harder and faster to get oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to your muscles. For the athlete, that means less energy for the finish line sprint.The key to preventing dehydration is strategic hydration. Water was once considered the ideal hydrator, but no more. Today, clinical tests show that sports drinks containing water, carbohydrates and electrolytes, hydrate as well as water and provide other critical benefits. They balance your thirst level with your actual fluid needs, are absorbed as fast as water, provide carbohydrates for muscle fuel, and offer taste appeal. Consuming a well-balanced sports rehydration drink such as Shaklee Performance before, during and after vigorous exercise will help you gain maximum benefit from any workout.


It’s so important Proteins are some of the most useful compounds you have in your body. Not only do they make up the muscles that are responsible for some 15% of your weight, they also direct a multitude of biochemical reactions within you.Proteins in the body are made from different combinations of 20 amino acids. Your body constantly breaks down dietary protein, turns it into amino acids, and recombines these amino acids to synthesize new proteins... protein in your blood, protein in your hair and fingernails, and of course, protein in your muscle tissue.

Essential vs. nonessential

If the 20 amino acids your body uses to make protein, there are 11 that your body can make (called nonessential), and 9 (called essential) that you have to get from your diet because your body cannot make them. To build or rebuild muscle, the 9 essential ones... those you get only from what you eat... must be present in your body all at the same time. If any one is missing, then the building of muscle is hindered.

Protein as a fuel source

It’s probably because protein has so many other important jobs that it’s rarely used by your body as a fuel source. Carbohydrates and fat contribute far more to the body’s fuel supply than protein. Protein is only tapped as a fuel source as you get closer and closer to running out of carbohydrate muscle fuel. In that circumstance, your body will use more and more protein to compensate for your depleted carbohydrate stores. But before your body can use protein as an energy or fuel source, it must first be broken down into a carbohydrate, specifically glucose.Unlike extra fat, which just sits in various fat storage compartments throughout your body, and carbohydrate, which remains quietly stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles until needed, protein is stored as muscle, and muscle is functional. Your muscles are your tools for moving, lifting, sprinting, and jumping. If you’re burning or breaking down the protein in muscle to be used as a significant source of fuel, you simply won’t be as strong because you’ve lost that portion of your muscle.

For better workouts, faster recovery

Research conducted at a leading university’s sports laboratories showed that consuming Shaklee Physique raised the body’s all-important insulin levels higher than when either protein or carbohydrate was taken alone. Even more important is the fact that the combination of protein and carbohydrate in Physique produced an insulin increase that’s greater than the sum of the increases from equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates consumed separately.

Physique: Maximizing insulin production

These results are important to anyone seeking to build lean muscle mass, because insulin is one of the body’s most powerful anabolic, or body-building, hormones. Insulin enhances the uptake of amino acids and glucose by muscle cells for muscle repair, synthesis of new muscle mass, and glycogen restoration following exercise.

But there’s more. Physique’s unique blend of carbohydrates and protein also speeds up and enhances muscle glycogen resynthesis... it refuels faster and better than carbohydrates or proteins alone. Research also suggests that using high-protein or pure protein formulas (similar to those found in many “muscle” drinks) after exercise has little or no effect on muscle energy restoration.

Vitamins and Minerals:

What athletes need...Vitamins and minerals have a tremendous range of functions within the body. Some vitamins and minerals are like spark plugs... they release the energy from carbohydrates, fat, and protein to fuel muscles. They “spark” the metabolic reactions that enable you to take each breath and have oxygen delivered instantly to your exercising muscles. They transform your food into muscle fuel for your workout. They congregate in your bones to help absorb the tremendous pounding that comes with each stride you take (not to mention jarring tackles or rattling rebounds). And they assist in the building of ligaments and tendons that give you flexibility and movement during exercise.So how do they do all that? Complex chemicals called enzymes regulate almost everything your body does (digestion, muscle movement, growth, blood clotting, etc.) Enzymes usually come in two parts: 1) a protein molecule, and 2) normally either a vitamin or mineral. In other words, certain vitamins and minerals hook up with protein molecules to direct the activities of the body.As important as micronutrients are, they are not a source of energy. Carbohydrates, fat and protein are converted into energy. Vitamins and minerals are the energy releasers... and so much more.Yes, vitamins and minerals have an incredible job to do... especially in the body of an athlete.

But does that mean that athletes need more of everything?

Or are there some nutrients the athlete should pay special attention to?

What course of action should the informed athlete take?

While many athletes today try to practice good nutritional habits, many more eat a diet similar to that of most Americans... and most Americans aren’t even getting the minimum U.S. Daily Allowance for some very important nutrients.In the largest survey of the eating habits of Americans ever conducted, researchers found that the typical American diet came up short in calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin C. All of these nutrients are critical to the athlete.

Furthermore, nutritionists recommend that each of us get 6 to 8 servings of vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables each day. Yet only half of us eat even a single serving of fruit or garden vegetables on a daily basis.

Two critical nutrients for the athlete are:

1) iron... to help transport oxygen from the lungs to body tissues and muscles; and

2) calcium... to keep the weight bearing bones strong and flexible.

But since all vitamins and minerals, in the proper balance, are important for good health and a strong body, supplementing with a complete product system like Vitalizer is one of the first steps you should take when engaging in any exercise program.

Click on picture to enlarge:

Click on picture to enlarge:

For more information please goto:

Have a Healthy Day

Tim & Tammy

Monday, July 14, 2008

Suggested Program for reducing High Blood Pressure naturally

What is High Blood Pressure

Once blood is pumped from the heart, the Resistance to flow or blood pressure)
is determined by
three factors:
1. Viscosity : is a way of expressing the resistance of liquid to flow. Blood with low viscosity
flows more easily than that with high viscosity. (Think of molasses: in the summer, when
it is warm, it has low viscosity – in the winter, when it is cold, it has high viscosity.)
2. Elasticity or flexibility: of arterial walls is an expression that describes their ability to
3. Diameter: a factor that greatly affects blood pressure.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
 Morning headaches
 Ringing in the ears
 Unexplained dizziness
 Spontaneous nose bleeds
 Depression without apparent cause
 Blurred vision
 Tension when there’s no cause
 Flushing or redness of the face and nose
 Fainting spells.

What’s Normal? What’s High?

Systolic pressure exerted when heart beats & forces the blood through

Diastolic pressure that remains between heart beats (resting phase)

Classification of High Blood Pressure

SYSTOLIC ( with Diastolic L ess Than 90) Category of High Blood Pressure
Less than 140 …………………………… Normal
140 to 159 ………………………….... Borderline Isolated Systolic Hypertension
160 or more ……………………………. Isolated Systolic Hypertension

Diastolic BP ( Range in Millimeters of Mercury)
Less than 85 ……………………………. Normal
85 to 89 ………………………………….. High Normal
90 to 104 ………………………………… Mild Hypertension
105 to 114 ……………………………….. Moderate Hypertension
115 or higher …………………………….. Severe Hypertension

High Blood Pressure is usually a multi-factorial Disease and can be caused by a
combination of many issues

1. Liver Congestion: When the liver becomes congested with toxins and chemicals, a back
pressure builds up in the portal circulation which is reflected in the whole body circulation as
high blood pressure.
2. Kidney Stress:
 The kidneys make a hormone called vasopressin which is very involved with blood
pressure regulation
 When kidneys are stressed this hormone production becomes imbalanced and causes
constriction of blood vessels
 Some examples of kidney stresses are:
a) Antibiotics, Tylenol, etc. are poisonous to the kidneys (the kidneys are the first
organ to receive blood from the heart)
b) Kidney stones
c) Infections
d) Diabetes
e) Dehydration - low fluid causes increased pressure to move blood
through the body.

Constant abuse of the kidneys leads to high blood pressure.)

3. Arteriosclerosis & Atherosclerosis: High blood fats, free radical damage, and allergies
cause hardening of the arteries and decreased diameter of blood vessels will produce high
blood pressure.

4. Stress: The sympathetic response from the nervous system activates the adrenal glands
to produce cortisol which tightens up or narrows the diameter of the blood vessels.

5. Smoking: Within seconds after a person lights up, the blood pressure increases as much
as 15-20 points. This action comes from the stimulant effect nicotine has on the adrenal
glands which send out a hormone to help defend the body against this deadly toxin. The
blood vessels constrict and the pressure goes up.

6. Sodium Chloride: When sodium is excessive, wastes cannot be discharged from our cells
properly. This causes an increase in extra- & intra-cellular fluid which creates extra
pressure on our blood vessels.

7. Overweight: Each pound of excessive fat requires about 150 miles of blood vessels. The
heart must pump harder to push blood through these extra capillaries = high blood pressure.

8. Lack of Calcium/Magnesium: Every living cell in our body must balance the ratio of
electrolytes. Calcium & magnesium are absolutely essential in this process. A lack of
sufficient daily intake can cause high blood pressure.

9. High Blood Fats: High blood fats (LDL’s & triglycerides) in the blood make the blood thick
and it does not move as easily; therefore, the heart & arteries have to work harder, causing
high blood pressure. (High blood sugar is a common cause of high triglycerides.)

10. Sedentary Lifestyle: When you exercise, your blood vessels develop more flexibility.
More flexible arteries and veins mean that when the heart beats, blood is forced, not into a
rigid set of pipes, but into an elastic and yielding system. The result is that lower pressure is
required to get the blood where it is going.

11. Alcohol: The liver can lose its ability to function properly because of continual abuse by
alcohol, and can become hardened and/or develop fatty degeneration. This causes a back
pressure in the circulatory system and is reflected in high blood pressure.

12. Lack of CoEnzymeQ10: If there is a lack of CoQ10 being produced in the mitochondria of
the cells, this can lead to a number of cardiovascular challenges including high blood
pressure. The aging body often produces less CoQ10 or has an impaired synthesis of
CoQ10, which leads to high blood pressure. Supplementing with CoQ10 can overcome this

13. Lack of Potassium: Creates tension in the arteries.
Suggestions for High Blood Pressure
 Drink adequate purified water to enhance kidney health
 Avoid salt
 Don’t smoke
 If overweight, make a goal to lose as quickly as you can
 Apply stress management principles
 Avoid alcoholic beverages
 Exercise
 Choose a healthy diet, including high fibre
 Suggested Supplements:
o Basic Supplementation includes Vita Lea, Soy Protein & Optiflora. For better health,

the following supplements are suggested:

o Step 1: CoenzymeQ10
Stress Relief Complex
(reduce Cortisol)

o Step 2: Vitamin E
Super Cal/Mag (Canada) / OsteoMatrix (U.S,)
VitalMag (contains Magnesium & Potassium)

o Step 3: Liver DTX
Vita C
B Complex
 If triglycerides are high, try Glucose Regulation Complex
 Other supplements of benefit:

o Hawthorne … there is some in Shaklee Mental Acuity

Gastric Bypass Supplementation

Posted by: "Shirley Marie Aldrich"
I am a nurse and over the past couple of years, have worked with several people who
have had gastric bypass surgery. There are several different types of this surgery, some
being much better than others, the post op recommendations are mostly the same.
With the limited amounts of food gastric bypass patients are taking in post surgery, it is
imparitive that they have an exceptional & easily absorbed vitamin & mineral supplement
as well as a protein supplement.

Physicians agree & highly recommended vitamins, protein, & rehydration products to
their patients, but would you believe that most recommend the following???

Flintstones Vitamins, Ensure & Gatorade - SIGH!

As a result those I have worked with had serious deficiencies and ended up back in the
hospital on multiple occasions.

For the first few months after surgery - Taking Vita Lea & 2-3 times per day along with
the Shaklee Whey Cinch Shake is an excellent solution for them to have the essential
nutrients they need to stay healthy - while losing the weight. After they have had some
time to both mentally & physically adjust, say two to three months, I would then
recommend moving forward from Vita Lea to the Shaklee Vitalizer.
With having such a small stomach, it is also easy to become very dehydrated. The
person is only able to only take in very small amounts of liquids at one time. So, please
also suggest performance. Have them sip on this all day long. It will make a such a
difference in how they feel. Gatorade has sugar - which can cause something called
"dumping" syndrome.
Due to decreased food intake, many patients will start to loose their hair. Following these
nutritional suggestions along with using the Prosante system (shampoos & hair serum
DAILY) can also prevent this from happening.

Shirley Aldrich

The Shaklee Difference - The principle of “Products in Harmony with Nature and Good Health”
guides Shaklee science. Experts in nutrition, public health, food science, analytical chemistry,
biochemistry, herbology, microbiology and engineering staff the 52,000 square feet Forrest C.
Shaklee Research Center in Hayward, California. They continue the important research and
development that makes each product the world stand for quality.

Here are some Question and Answers:

First of all, my husband and I began our Shaklee business in 1998 as extremely obese
newlyweds. How we were successful in the nutrition business while being the size we
were continues to amaze me. I know that enthusiasm gets you sales, and we must have
been dynamites at that because looking at us (as healthy folks) certainly didn't. We
never did meetings or one-on-ones for these obvious reasons. The majority of our
business was (and is) web-based with lots of follow up phone calls and hand-written
thank you notes.

Question: What products did you start with and what has been your experience?

Response: I never took the prescription iron, protein or multi-vitamins that I was issued
(although I had to sign an agreement before surgery saying I would). I came home from
the hospital on my fourth day, and began to take Vita Lea w/iron and soy protein the next
Vitamins scared me, but then everything scares you when you start this new life. Thank
God I already had the Shaklee belief, and knew to trust anything they produced. I would
break VL/iron into small pieces (maybe fourths) and take a small chunk with 2 swallows
of water, then wait 30-45 minutes to make sure everything was okay. It always was!
From this first full day at home on, I took a total of 2 VL/iron and 1 Iron Complex (broken
in half) every day for the first month. After the first few days, I got more confident about
taking VL, and only broke them in half for the next month or so to take them.
At week 2 I added a B, at week 3 I added a calcium, and each week I was feeling more
and more confident about taking them whole. By bedtime, they were all consumed and I
never had any adverse effects with any Shaklee product. Thank God for Shaklee!!
For the first month, you can't eat anything much, and Cinch wasn't out at that time, so I
drank chocolate soy and slim plan in water for about a week, then switched to skim milk
after that. Id mix up a 2 scoops of soy and 1 scoop of slim plan in about 20 oz and keep
it in the fridge with a straw in it, both for stirring and sipping every time I went into the
2 swallows always was a safe amount, then I'd wait for awhile, then 2 more. I always had
some of this drink mixed up and ready for me. In addition, for the first month, I had
sugar-free jello and chicken boullion daily.

In month 2, I began adding a few bites of things. I learned quickly that a plain baked
potato was my friend, it never caused any problem even when other foods were a
challenge. Veggies (especially salads) were very easy to eat also. I continued adding
more supplements weekly and kept a log of foods that seemed to be problematic. I'd
wait a few weeks, then try a bite of them
again, just to see how my healing was progressing. Often, it had improved when trying
the food again.

Question: I hear that some people need to take the ez-gest with everything because of
the difficulty digesting now.

Response: I take 1 ez-gest with each meal. I didn't used to, but after I read last year
about how it helps you to metabolize food, I decided to use it from then on. Bypass folks
have such small stomachs that there is reduced stomach acid so I figured we need all
the help we can get with absorption. I feel healthier than ever, and my lab test results
continue to stun to my doctors.

Question: Do you have a problem with the supplements?

Response: Only 2, but I'm not sure they have anything to do with the surgery. Corenergy
gave me immediate heartburn whether taking it with or without food. I am not a garlic fan
in general, and although I still take 3 Garlic Complex daily, I always take them with the
ez-gest which makes it easier.

Question: Which are you on?

Response: I really do take the Shaklee Shelf. I divide my supplements into AM, Day and
PM in large 7-day pill pack boxes once a week. Since I still work a day job in addition to
Shaklee in my home office, I set a 30 minute reminder in outlook and every time it pings,
I take a few supplements.
This way they are spread out and I give my system the best chance to absorb them
without getting it overwhelmed. I take the Optiflora pearl 3 times per week. I used to take
the powder daily, but Cinch includes it instead.

Question: Do you have people in your group that have had similar

Response: 2 or 3 that I can think of. They mostly take vl, calcium, b, iron, and nutriferon
plus Cinch drinks and bars.

Question: What have been your challenges after surgery? Was it iron and protein?

Response: Iron would have been a problem if I had to drink the nasty prescription form.
Shaklee is not ground up minerals (rocks) and has NEVER been any issue for me. I take
one daily. I was borderline anemic before surgery, but all lab tests are perfect now.
Protein was not an issue. I sipped protein all day long, sipped water all day long, and
continue to do so now. The key at the beginning was to only have 2 swallows at a time
while my stomach healed and I got stronger.
By the way, this is major surgery and I had scheduled 6 weeks to be off work. However,
after only 3 weeks, I went back to work 4 hours per day for a week, and back to full time
in my fourth week I felt this good!!!
Now, 4+ years later, the only problem I have in digesting food is dry meat. Chicken
breast, pork chop, steak…any of these without some kind of sauce is way off limits still.
(Dark meat, fish, eggs, potatoes, bread, veggies,beans and most fruit are fine). Pretty
much any small piece of candy is fine, as long as I stop at one piece. Fat took about a
year to adjust to eating very much. For example, I could eat maybe 3 or 4 potato chips
and really, really enjoy them, but if I ate one more, I would regret it.
It is difficult to describe I would regret it to anyone not having the surgery, but easy to
explain to anyone who has. You get a scary feeling of fullness that is totally different
from normal people feeling full after a meal. You just know to stop and not eat even one
more bite for awhile (sometime 5 minutes, sometimes an hour). I relate this example
sometimes think of your stomach as being able to hold 11 oz of liquid then if you try to
put 12 oz in it, it has nowhere else to go but back up (until some of it empties down
normally into your system).

Question: Did you start with liquid vits and then gradually move to the regular?

Response: I never went tried LiquiLea. Since I had Vita Lea w/iron opened, I started with
them, figuring to use the liquid only if the tablets didn't work out. But I had great results
immediately by just taking small chunks slowly at first.

SUMMARY: One thing I know for sure your gastric folks will all tolerate
food/supplements/drinks differently after their surgeries. My husband had issues with
lactose after surgery, but not beforehand. He could eat a piece of candy with no issue,
but could not even eat 1 spoonful of ice cream without feeling ill for a few minutes. This
never got better for him, and it was his #1 irritant with the surgery! I had no problem with
lactose, but had more issues with digesting fat than he did. I have come a long way with
my food relationship and my Shaklee business. I am happy to share any info with you at
any time!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

If you know anyone who may have some of these issues Please foward or let them know of the website.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Purple pill" putting seniors in nursing homes!

(Lubbock, TX)

Millions of Americans over 50 are taking this acid-blocking drug hoping it will save them from heartburn and reflux. For years, it was the best-selling prescription drug in the world!
But how many seniors would take it if they knew that it's hollowing out their bones?

The covered-up proof. In a randomized, double-blind study” the "gold standard" of medical research—this hugely hyped drug was found to cause a 41% to 61% drop in calcium absorption. This means you could be faithfully taking calcium supplements and still suffer crippling osteoporosis. The results are on public record in the scholarly American Journal of Medicine. They came as no surprise to the legendary Dr. James Balch,who explains that, "It couldn't be simpler. You need acid in your stomach to digest your calcium."

What to avoid. The study involved a best-selling "proton pump inhibitor" (PPI) drug called omeprazole. This has essentially the same active ingredient found in the famed prescription "purple pill" and its over-the-counter cousin. Dr. Balch cautions that any other PPI drug may have a similar effect.

Shaklee's Optiflora and EZ Gest, Peppermint Ginger helps this problem - Dr Spreen has a great article on "acid reflux"

(Editor's notes in blue throughout the article)

Health Sciences Institute e-Alert

Dear Reader,

I have great news for anyone who suffers from heartburn or acid reflux.

HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., recently sent an eye-opening article from the Boston Globe Magazine with an overview of the marketing of the prescription heartburn drug, Prilosec. Here's a quote from the article:

"That drug stripped misery from the lives of millions and became the world's best-selling prescription drug - and the number one medication prescribed for seniors - taking in $6 billion a year. Prilosec is so good, and patients so attached to it, that doctors jokingly call it 'purple crack.' It's an expensive habit, about $4 for each daily pill, or $1,500 a year."

(But there is a much better, less expensive and safer solution.).

Here's Dr. Spreen...The solution is ridiculously simple (and cheap). Using readily available acidophilus (Shaklee's optiflora) and digestive enzymes (Shaklee's EZ Gest & Peppermint Ginger-Stomach Soothing Complex) I stop over 2/3 of all cases. The more difficult cases (that may include overt ulcers, etc.) may involve a more aggressive approach, but omitting really serious GI illness the results are nearly always extremely positive.'Reflux'
(or any of the other scary sounding names) is nothing more than acid slipping past the junction of the stomach and esophagus. (Most people are confused and think they have too much acid. Not true, as people age the acid levels drop and food sits in the stomach and doesn't break down well. Also the esophagus which is a muscle looses strength as we age and allows the passing of the acid.)

The stomach is designed for it, the esophagus is not...hence a trap door (sphincter) at the intersection (called the GE, or GastroEsophageal junction) set in place to keep the two areas separated.
Acid essentials People act like (from propaganda on TV) stomach acid is some kind of mistake on mother nature's part. How many times in my practice have I had to repeat that ACID IS SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN THERE...WE NEED IT!Here's the kicker: if you 'kill it off' (using antacids, acid blockers, etc.) the body, in its wisdom, saves the energy required to protect the esophagus from the stomach's (normally) more acid environment and weakens the GE sphincter. This allows any remaining acid to sometimes slip past and irritate the esophagus. So, you take an antacid (or whatever...we have so many choices these days) and you feel better, because you lessen even more what little acid remains that has been irritating your already sensitive esophagus.The above association reinforces that you need more antacid next time, since it helps in the short term. So look what's happening - the short term 'fix' assures that the problem will continue (and even worsen).Is that not the most beautiful trick? The 'cure' assures its own increasing's positively brilliant (and diabolical).
(Using Acidophilus & enzymes supplements
protect the esophagus without killing acid (while killing the pain almost immediately). When the stomach is low on acid it tends to also be low on digestive enzymes. Believe it or not, the solution (along with acidophilus protection) is to ADD acid (drinking apple cider vinegar and water works very well-- a tablespoon of water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily can really help this problem. For very severe issues using extra Hydrocloric Acid tablets is the answer. Thorne is a good brand)) and to add digestive enzymes
at the same time.
Remember, it isn't acid that's the problem (you need it desperately for digestion); it's acid reaching the esophagus. Proper digestion allows for higher concentration of acid while tightening the GE junction and protecting the esophagus.


Chewing on Epic- Xylitol peppermint gum after eating can also help. Avoiding refined sugar and white flour products also helps. And not eating after 7:00 PM is a must!Killing off acid, however it's done, is a serious mistake with long term consequences if pursued over time. Poor digestion is the genesis of all sorts of problems, in my opinion...but that's just me.

Healthy Living,
Tim & Tammy Presley

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Celebrating upcoming Olympic Games with Health

Welcome to your July Shaklee Newsletter.

This month, in celebration of the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games, we’ll highlight Olympic athletes who have been fueled by Shaklee products, plus Shaklee’s newest star athlete ultramarathoner, Dean Karnazes.

We also share five workout tips to help you stay healthy and fit during the active summer, whether you’re a star athlete or a weekend mower!

Finally, we’re also excited to announce that Shaklee has been honored with the preeminent business award, the Stevie Award, for Best Corporate Environmental Responsibility Program! We highlight what Shaklee is doing to protect the environment and what you can do, too!
In this Issue:
1) Olympic Athletes and Shaklee
2) Shaklee’s Newest Star Athlete: Dean Karnazes
3) Shaklee Sports Nutrition Workout Tips
4) Shaklee Wins Stevie Award

1) Olympic Athletes and Shaklee
When it comes to nutrition, people like Olympic athletes, whose lives depend on their bodies being able to perform at the highest level, seek out Shaklee. Shaklee has been nutritional advisor to many U.S. Olympic teams. In fact if Shaklee were a country they’d have won 54 Olympic Gold Medals!

Shaklee has powered a number of other world-class athletes and below are three Olympians who share what Shaklee has meant to them. It should be noted that Shaklee does NOT pay for athletic endorsements, but does provide nutritional assistance.

Eli Bremer – Modern Pentathlon
Eli Bremer ranks second in the U.S. and is in the top 10 worldwide in the sport of Modern Pentathlon, a unique day-long competition that tests the versatility of an athlete by challenging his or her strengths in five events, namely running, swimming, equestrian, shooting and fencing. Eli is the only American to have qualified for the 2008 Beijing Games with a recent Gold medal at the 2007 Pan American Games, securing his place on the U.S. team.

Surprisingly, Eli wasn't always athletic. "As a child I struggled with being very overweight until I was about 14 and was the brunt of a lot of jokes about my weight and lack of athletic ability growing up. I guess what I am most proud of is overcoming my own shortcomings and being recognized as one of the top athletes in my sport."

Eli’s Favorite Shaklee Products: Physique® Workout Maximizer
Performance® Maximum Endurance Sports Drink

"I was first introduced to Shaklee in high school. My mom, who has a Ph.D. in human nutrition, searched the sports nutrition market for the highest quality nutrition product and recommended Shaklee to me. Ever since, I have been using their products and have never been let down by their quality. Shaklee is a leader in nutrition research and they are known industry-wide for the quality of their product line."

"Today, I am proud to say that I'm "Powered by Shaklee"! In the sport of Modern Pentathlon, it is important to ensure that my body is in peak condition. I burn a lot of electrolytes during training and I find that Shaklee’s Performance® really helps me keep up the intensity and my endurance."

"With up to five workouts totaling 8 to 12 hours of training a day, it's products like Physique® Workout Maximizer Supplement and Performance® Maximum Endurance Sports Drink that keep me going. They allow me to recover in the shortest amount of time between workouts and be at my best when the next workout or competition rolls around."

"I trust Shaklee products ─ I know that they're made from the purest of ingredients and manufactured in an ideal environment. With Shaklee, I don't have to worry about trace elements of banned substances ending up in my supplements. I know that the products I'm putting into my body are just as pure and clean as I am ─ and they will help me compete and win fairly. Compared to Shaklee, no other supplements I have taken in the past have given such a positive result."

Nia Abdallah: Taekwondo
Nia Abdallah is the 2004 Olympic silver medalist and the first American woman to officially receive a medal in taekwondo since it became an official Olympic event in 2000. And that same year, she was also named USA Taekwondo’s Female Athlete of the Year. Nia is a third degree black belt, and she is the 2003 Pan American Games bronze medalist.

Nia’s Favorite Shaklee Products: Vitalizer, Joint Health Complex, Cinch Shake Mix and Cinch Snack Bars

“Shaklee products not only have improved the quality of my training, they’ve improved the quality if my life. I didn’t realize what I was missing until I started taking Vitalizer every day.

I appreciate that Shaklee has a supplement targeted specifically to the joints. Joint Health Complex helps—all the training and competition we do can certainly cause stiffness. I also like Cinch shakes, and mix one up for breakfast with strawberries or bananas before the first workout of the day.”

Bethany Hart: Bobsledding and Hammer Throw
The missing link between bobsledding and the hammer throw: Bethany Hart, who trains year round for both sports. Should Bethany accomplish her goal in 2008, she will be only the 10th athlete in U.S. history to compete in both summer and winter sports.

The good news for Bethany is that since the hammer throw and bobsledding are both speed - and power-based sports, they require a similar training regimen. In two-person bobsledding Bethany’ job, as the brake person, is to push hard and fast to build speed at the race’s start. The hammer throw is basically a shot put – a 4-kilo steel ball attached to a wire – and also demands lightening speed and strength. Says Bethany, “In the hammer throw, you have to be patient and relaxed, yet powerful and explosive – a hard balance to find.”

While training for both hammer throw and bobsled in 2005, Bethany followed some maternal advice (her mother is a Shaklee Distributor) and started using Shaklee Performance® Maximum Endurance Sports Drink and Physique® Workout Maximizer Supplement. She was amazed at the results. “I was training harder than I had trained since college and I didn’t expect I would recover as well as I did,” says Bethany. “Shaklee Physique® and Performance® allowed me to maintain the high volume of training I needed.”

Bethany never shrinks from training: she now dedicates two to four hours daily to throwing, lifting and sprinting. “There’s just something I love about training and challenging my body,” she says Bethany. “I’ve far surpassed any expectations I’ve ever had for myself, so I just keep setting new goals as I go in order to reach my full athletic potential.”

Bethany’s Favorite Shaklee Products: Joint Health Complex, OstoMatrix, Vitalizer, CarotoMax, FlavoMax, Physique, Nutriferon

“I noticed a big difference when I began taking the Shaklee multivitamin in combination with Physique®,” says Bethany. “I had more energy – when you’re training that hard, you can feel tired everyday.” In addition to helping post-workout recovery, Bethany believes Shaklee supplements are essential for athletes and anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. Staying well during the bobsled season is also a priority. “I take NutriFeron because we’re in the cold so often,” remarks Bethany. “It’s crucial I do all I can to build a strong immune system.”

High bioavailability for maximum results and natural ingredients are what Bethany appreciates about Shaklee products. “Shaklee doesn’t use anything artificial and I’m secure in knowing I won’t test positive for anything during competition,” she says.

If all goes well in 2008 in Beijing, there’s no telling what Bethany will accomplish next. She is considering competing for the 2010 bobsled team for the Vancouver Games.

2) Shaklee’s Newest Star Athlete: Ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes
When a bone-crushing endurance challenge is a normal part of your workweek, when TIME magazine names you as one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in the World” and when Men’s Fitness says you “might just be the fittest man on the planet,” your name is Dean Karnazes.

Dean’s accomplishments? Here are but a few: Winning the Atacama Crossing, a brutal 6-day race across Chile’s most inhospitable desert; winning the Badwater Ultramarathon, 135 miles through the bowels of Death Valley in July; running a hellish minus-40-degree race through the South Pole (in running shoes); running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days and finishing with the NYC Marathon (which he completed in 3 hours flat); swimming across the San Francisco Bay; climbing Yosemite’s Half Dome; mountain-biking for 24 hours straight; and surfing the monstrous waves off Hawaii’s coast.

Dean’s Favorite Shaklee Supplements: Vitalizer, Performance, Physique and Joint Health Complex

Dean counts on Shaklee Vitalizer™, before, during, and after his adventures. “Vitalizer helps me perform at my best and recover quickly between hard workouts,” he says. “It’s an incredible wellness enhancer and I find it excellent pre-event, post-event, and for maintenance.”

Dean is also an avid fan of Shaklee Performance®, which he drinks before and during his races. “I think Performance is a terrific balance of both nutrients and electrolytes. You’re getting a good source of fuel with the carbohydrate blend as well as getting the electrolytes you need in the right balance.”

After every race, Dean counts on Shaklee Physique® to recover. “If I don’t replace the protein that I’ve depleted after strenuous workouts, I notice that the recovery is much longer and I don’t feel like I’m doing too well the next morning. So that’s where Physique has helped me tremendously because it contains a unique protein and carbohydrate blend with essential amino acids as well as vitamins and minerals which can enhance recovery, allowing me to train harder and go further.”

As an ultramarathoner, Dean also relies on Shaklee Joint Health Complex to support joint function and long term joint health. “I’ve been using Joint Health Complex, and I very much believe in the benefits of glucosamine. Scientifically, there are multiple studies that have confirmed the benefits of glucosamine. I think that, from a practical standpoint, I notice a difference.”

4) Five Shaklee Workout Tips:
You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to enjoy the benefits of Shaklee nutrition. Below are five workout tips to help you feel your best - whether you are trying out for Olympics or mowing your lawn.

1) Stay Hydrated
Did you know that 46% of exercisers are likely to go to the gym dehydrated? This is according to a study published in 2006 in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Dehydration reduces aerobic endurance and can result in increased body temperature, increased heart rate, disorientation, and even physical collapse.

Whether you are going for a long bike ride or are gardening for the day, the best way to stay hydrated this summer is to drink Shaklee Performance®. It’s exclusive OptiCarb® formula contains carbohydrates for endurance and electrolytes for quick hydration.

It’s better for you than just drinking water! In one clinical study, a group of cyclists consumed either water or Shaklee Performance® after 3 hours of vigorous cycling. Afterwards, they continued to cycle at a faster speed. The cyclists that drank only water lasted just 2 minutes before succumbing to fatigue, while the Shaklee Performance® drinkers lasted over 15 times longer!

2) Eat a Light Meal Before a Workout
Eating a large meal prior to a workout may leave you feeling sluggish or with cramps because your muscles and digestive system are competing for energy sources. On the other hand, not eating can cause low blood sugar levels leaving you feeling weak or faint.
For optimal performance, try a Cinch™ Snack Bar or Meal-in-a-Bar one to two hours prior to your workout. The nutrients are rapidly absorbed and Cinch Bars are powered by Leucine™ to help preserve muscle.

3) Replace Protein After a Workout
Have you ever strayed from an exercise regimen because you didn’t recover quickly enough from a workout? Most of us have. But you can enhance recovery by replenishing your body with protein and carbohydrates immediately after a workout to replenish glycogen stores that are depleted during exercise.

Stick to your exercise regimen by drinking Shaklee Physique® immediately after your workout. Physique contains Bio-Build® to give you the nutrients you need to rapidly recover and repair muscle tissue.
Shaklee Cinch Whey Shakes are also a perfect post-workout option. Whey protein is a complete protein and is one of the richest known sources of naturally occurring branched-chain amino acids, including leucine which plays a critical role in muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth.

4) Keep Joints Healthy
Getting that last mile in, struggling for that last weight-lifting rep, or playing that extra set of tennis can be tough on joints. Joints, the junction where one bone meets the other, are protected by cartilage, a resilient shock absorber.

Help put the spring back in your step with Joint Health Complex.
Joint Health Complex* contains glucosamine, which gives cartilage elasticity, strength and resiliency. And when you overdo a workout this summer, try rubbing Shaklee’s Joint and Muscle Pain Cream into the affected area to provide temporary relief for occasional joint and muscle pain.

5) Daily Nutrition Key to Every Workout
Athletes need to make sure that their bodies are in top form and that means getting important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients every single day. For example, antioxidants are critical to prevent free radical damage caused by increased oxygen utilization during exercise and the B vitamins converts food you eat into fuel for working muscles.
Shaklee Vitalizer™ is the perfect supplement for daily nutritional support. Vitalizer contain more than 20 antioxidant compounds and essential vitamins in its comprehensive approach to health, wellness, and vitality.

5) Shaklee Wins Stevie Award
Shaklee has been honored with the preeminent business award, the Stevie Award, for Best Corporate Environmental Responsibility Program. The Stevie Awards are the “Oscars” of the business world and their mission is to recognize and generate public awareness of excellence in the workplace.

Shaklee received the award in recognition of numerous innovative projects, partnerships and achievements launched by the company in 2007, the latest in over fifty years of environmental stewardship and global “firsts,” including becoming the world’s first Climate Neutral™ certified company in 2000 resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. In 2007, Shaklee became the first consumer products company to offset 100 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions through the U.S. EPA Climate Leaders Program and use certified Green-e renewable energy.

“We are honored to be recognized for our deep commitment to protect and preserve the environment. Shaklee was founded with the mission of making people and the planet healthier, values which are more relevant now than ever before,” said Shaklee CEO Roger Barnett. “Our 750,000 members and distributors around the world believe that the right way to do business means doing what is right for people and for the planet. It is this innovative approach to business that has made Shaklee the environmental pioneer that it is today.”

Join the Shaklee Green Movement to combat global warming and keep our families safe by removing harmful chemicals from your home with our Get Clean line of natural, safe and highly effective household and laundry cleaners. Learn more about Get Clean here.


We want to thank all of you for choosing Shaklee products for your family’s wealth and wellness needs. Feel free to contact us with any Shaklee-related questions.

Yours in Health