Thursday, June 12, 2008

Men's Health Month--- Happy Fathers Day!!

Last month, we offered an in-depth look at Women’s Health issues. This month, in celebration of Father’s Day, we turn the spotlight on Men’s Health, covering recommended solutions for men’s health issues like infertility, prostate health, digestive health, sleep apnea and snoring. Plus, we share two Shaklee product recommendations for all outdoorsmen.

In celebration of the possibilities for men, we feature the stories of two age-defying men and how Shaklee helped them go above and beyond their limitations. And we close with news of a new Shaklee partnership with someone Men’s Fitness magazine says, “might just be the fittest man on the planet”. It’s a great issue for men of all ages and the women who love them!

In this Issue:
1) Men’s Health Issues:
2) Product Profile: Men’s Health Solutions Pack
3) Coming Soon
4) Coming Soon

1) Men’s Health Issues:
Before getting into men’s health issues, it’s probably best to answer the main questions many men ask before they’ll think of taking vitamins.

1) Why should I take vitamins?
2) Why should I choose Shaklee?
3) What should I take?

Dr. Stephen Chaney is a professor of biochemistry and nutrition at the University of North Carolina. His name is on over 80 published studies in scientific and medical peer-reviewed journals and he teaches nutrition to medical students, answers the first two questions…

Q: Why should a man use vitamins?
Dr. Chaney: Even though we think of ourselves as the stronger sex, men have a greater risk of heart disease and stroke. For these reasons and more, we owe it to the women in our lives and to ourselves to make this simple commitment to long-term health and wellness.

Q: Why choose Shaklee products?
Dr. Chaney: Because of the quality that’s built into the manufacturing process. No one else has the high pharmaceutical-level standards that Shaklee does. Plus, Shaklee has strong science behind all their products and they use clinical testing to prove the products work. That is very important! And remember, with the Shaklee guarantee program, you’ll feel better or get a full refund!

Q: What should I take?
“I don’t really know, my wife puts a pile out for me every morning and I just swallow ‘em.” –David B., an honest man.

We recommend men take the Shaklee Vitalizer without Iron and Soy Protein, for more energy and a greater sense of well being every day and for long-term preventative health. The Vitalizer is a convenient daily strip of vitamins that provides a wide range of health benefits for men. A Landmark Study of people who had been taking Shaklee supplements for 20 years or more, conclusively showed significantly less incidences of stroke, heart attack, diabetes and many other common health problems related to men.

When it comes to protein, a simple way to figure out your protein needs is to divide your weight by 2. So if you are a 200-pound man you need 100 grams of protein on a daily basis. One serving of Shaklee’s Energizing Protein provides 14-16 grams of quality protein that doesn’t contain fat, cholesterol, hormones or additives like you are going to find with animal protein.

For more information on Shaklee’s Soy Protein choices go to:

2) Product Profile: Men’s Health Solutions Pack
For men 50+ we would recommend adding to the daily Vitalizer and Protein regimen, the Men’s Health Solutions Pack, which includes OmegaGuard and Saw Palmetto Complex.

Shaklee’s OmegaGuard is pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement, containing a full-spectrum of seven natural Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA, and ALA) to help protect the heart, lower blood pressure, improve brain health and moods, and help lower overall inflammation for better joint health. For more information on OmegaGuard including a short online video:

Buy Now OmegaGuard

Tune-in Later the month I will have some very good informantion to add to this newsletter. Feel free to share this newsletter with the men in your life and feel free to contact us with any Shaklee related questions. We’re here for you!

Your in Health,

Tim & Tammy Presley