Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mothers Day Health & you

This month, in celebration of Mother’s Day, we focus on Women’s Health. We highlight key Shaklee products for each stage of a woman’s life and share testimonials from women who experienced excellent results using Shaklee in tandem with common women’s health issues.
Our Cinch Success Story of the month features Jean, a woman who admits she never stuck to a diet her entire life until Cinch!
We close with information on Project MAHMA, a group of women who found that sharing Shaklee provided an excellent opportunity to stay at home with their children, make a positive difference in the world, and also contribute to the financial well being of their families.

In This Issue:
1) Women’s Health for Every Stage of Life
--Shaklee During Childbearing Years
--Shaklee During Pregnancy (Pre-natal Nutrition)
--Shaklee and the Menstrual Cycle
--Shaklee During Perimenopause/Menopause
--Shaklee During Women’s Senior Years
2) Cinch Success Story of the Month
3) Project MAHMA –Mothers At Home Making a Difference (and earning a lot of money!)

1) Women’s Health for Every Stage of Life“The longer I live, the more respect I have for the role women play in our society. They bring heart to the boardrooms, creativity to the workplace, dedication to the community and bear the awesome responsibility to feed and nourish their families. Oh yes, and somehow through all that, find time for their spouses or significant others. And on rare occasions, if there is any time left over, a moment or two for themselves. The weight of the nation and indeed the world rests of their shoulders.” --Barb Lagoni, Nutritionist, and Shaklee Master Coordinator
Shaklee During Childbearing YearsShaklee’s Vitalizer plus Iron provides many key nutrients for women during childbearing years. Vitalizer contains 80 bio-optimized nutrients for maximum absorption, including a core nutritional supply of vitamins and mineral, antioxidants, iron and anti-aging nutrients. Vitalizer also provides women with calcium and Vitamin-D for bone health, Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) for better heart and brain health, a probiotic for digestive and immune support, and extra B-vitamins, including folic acid. To learn more about Vitalizer, watch a short online video at:

To order Vitalizer online go to:Note: Shaklee members save an additional 10% off Vitalizer when placing it on AutoShip.

Not a member yet sign-up now and an save 15% off every order

Equally important to women’s health is Soy Protein. Besides providing natural energy to help you sail through the day, Soy Protein helps with controlling appetite, and can help in the prevention of breast cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, menopause and PMS. (Trivia: there is no word in the Japanese Language for HOT FLASH!) The Japanese eat lots of soy and have low rates of cancer and the
women have very little or no menopause or PMS symptoms.)
We highly recommend women of all ages make Shaklee’s Energizing or Instant Protein part of their daily diet. For more information go to:

Shaklee During Pregnancy (Pre-Natal Nutrition)Some people wonder why Shaklee doesn't offer a pre-natal vitamin. The answer is because Shaklee’s regular Vita-Lea multivitamin has everything and more than what’s found in most pre-natal vitamins. In fact, all the nutrients needed to meet the U.S. RDA for pregnant and lactating women are available in existing Shaklee supplements. With the approval of the obstetrician, Shaklee Vita-Lea, Iron Plus C, B-Complex, and OsteoMatrix can offer an excellent prenatal supplement program for pregnant women or women preparing for pregnancy.
In addition to providing pre-natal nutritional support, some Shaklee products can serve as remedies for some common "discomforts" that occur at different points of a normal pregnancy, as the testimonial below so clearly demonstrates.
I found in the first trimester that I would have emotional swings and tearful moments. One or two Shaklee GLA Complex capsules
along with three B-Complex and two
Shaklee Chewable Cal Mag Plus would calm and soothe my nerves.
I also used calcium (3 or 4 at a time) before bedtime to help me sleep better and prevent leg cramps. The only leg cramps I got (and they were VERY painfully intense) were on the evenings when I skimped on the Shaklee calcium.
At various times throughout the pregnancy, I had some minor nausea, queasiness, and even acid reflux, just like all the books and magazines will warn you.

I found relief by using Shaklee Gentle Sleep Complex as a tea (hot or cooled for a refreshing drink), and 5 or 6 Alfalfa Complex tablets.
At one point, just for a few weeks, I could not sta
nd the smell or taste of my favorite Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein. I did not want to go without, so I opted for the delicious Shaklee Meal Shakes (which tasted great to me)

and I would add one scoop of the soy protein. I also used the Shaklee Instant Protein when I made hot cereal for breakfast.
I found that my skin got much drier and just using more lotion did not help. I then discovered that the Shaklee Enfuselle Calming Complex sealed in with Enfuselle Hand and Body Lotion would soothe and heal any dry patches or rashes. I also made sure to use the Shaklee Enfuselle Hand and Body Lotion- all over- after every bath or shower to prevent stretch marks with excellent results.
I also have had no swelling and only the minimal healthy weight gain.

I attribute that to drinking a lot of Shaklee Get CleanWater and taking Alfalfa (to minimize water retention) and using the other Shaklee supplements to give me and the baby the nutrients we both need to be healthy and happy!” Enthusiastically, M. Anderson-Delgado
Shaklee and the Menstrual CyclePMS and EndometriosisEndometriosis is made worse by estrogen dominance. Shaklee’s Soy Protein is beneficial for anyone with estrogen dominance, such as PMS or perimenopausal women with heavy clots and bleeding.
“I had horrible periods and was diagnosed with severe endometriosis. The pain was so bad I could barely go to work. Running, the thing I loved to do the most, was put on hold. I was told I may not be able to conceive and was determined to do something about it.
I increased my Shaklee supplements and began using the Shaklee Soy Protein 5-6 times a day instead of twice. I started taking Shaklee’s GLA Complex and increased by intake of B-Complex, OsteoMatrix, Zinc Complex and Iron+C Within the first month, I could feel a big difference. I had few cramps and noticed my mood swings were evening out. I had pain-free periods only six months after my diagnosis! The following month my daughter was conceived. After her birth, I nursed for 20 months and continued taking all my supplements and protein. I still drink Energizing Soy Protein 4-5 times a day and can tell if I slack off. My OB/GYN can't believe I have no more symptoms. Thanks be to GOD, no more pain!” – A. Seydel
Uterine Fibroids“At 40 I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. I had 10-day periods with bleeding in between. My choices were to try birth control pills or a D&C…I was already taking vitamins from a local health food store that were more expensive but decided to try Shaklee. After a month or so of using Vita-Lea, OsteoMatrix, Soy Protein and Vita-E, I felt a big difference. The only time my symptoms ever returned was when I ran out of Shaklee’s Vita-E. I'm now 52, have no symptoms and the fibroids are gone!” –C. Hurst
From menstrual cycle issues, to stress and osteoporosis, Shaklee has created a Women’s Health Solution package that includes a 30-day supply of GLA Complex, OsteoMatrix and Stress Relief Complex to meet the specific needs of women today.
Perimenopause/MenopauseFor women who want to use natural alternatives to estrogen/hormone replacement therapy, the following Shaklee nutrition program has been reported to be helpful for a women’s reproductive system in general, and to delay and reduce menopausal symptoms in particular:
Menopause Balancing Complex, Energizing Soy Protein, GLA Plus Complex, OsteoMatrix and Gentle Sleep Complex (if needed).
Product Profile: Menopause Balance Complex Contains the well-researched herb, Black Cohosh (which has been successfully used in Germany for over 40 years) to regulate hormonal balance in women during the transitional period of menopause, along with phytoestrogens from soy and flaxseed. Similar in structure to human estrogen, soy isoflavones and flaxseed lignans can bind to estrogen receptors, thereby exerting an estrogen-like effect. Menopause Balancing Complex also provides phytoestrogens from Dong Quai, red clover, and licorice. These appear to reduce the symptoms of hot flashes, sleep disorders, mood swings, etc. They also may provide a protective effect against osteoporosis, heart disease, breast disease, cholesterol levels and other health issues often associated with menopause. To order Menopause Balance Complex ,Shaklee Menopause Balance Complex Cooling Lotion is a unique blend of over a dozen natural herbs that offer soothing relief and a cooling herbal aroma to help reduce the onset of a hot flash. Cools and soothes in seconds and is progesterone-free, so you can use it as often as needed without side effects. The following diet is also helpful to reduce the symptoms of menopause. A good diet along with a good Shaklee nutritional program can do wonders for you during this stage of life
Diet: Items to Eliminate or Severely Limit:Red meat...limit to once a weekProcessed meat of any kindOrgan meats...liver, kidney etc.Skin of fowlFried foodsHigh-fat dairy productsAlcoholRefined sugar...don't add to foods Salt..throw away the salt shakerLimit fat to 30% of calories or below
Suggested food plan: Fowl with skin removed Fish at least three times a week Low-fat dairy products Lots of fruit All the veggies you want Beans and lentils, but beware of fat contentWhole Wheat or Whole Grain PastaWhole Grains and nuts...beware of fat content
Shaklee has put together a Women's Health Solution Product Pack for Menopause. It contains Menopause Balance Complex, GLA Complex and OsteoMatrix to help promote bone density retention and reduce the risk of osteoporosis while easing mood swings, stress, hot flashes and sleeplessness associated with menopause.
Shaklee During Senior YearsAs we age, our bodies don't absorb nutrients as well as before. Which is why Shaklee created Vita-Lea Gold – the perfect mutlivitamin/ multimineral to address the distinct needs of people 50+. Vita-Lea Gold provides a patented, bio-activated absorption system that compensates for a slower absorption rate. Vita-Lea Gold also supplies the clinically proven nutrients to help protect vision and preserve bone integrity. And, it comes with a choice of Vitamin K for it bone-building benefits or without Vitamin K for those taking a blood-thinning medication. For more information on Vita-Lea Gold. Joint degeneration and pain management can also be of concern at this stage of life. Shaklee’s Pain Relief Trio offers Joint Health Complex which helps rebuild cartilage and improve the range of motion in as little as a week! Shaklee’s Pain Relief Complex dramatically helps with chronic aches and pain (women with severe PMS pain also find great relief using Pain Relief Complex) and Shaklee’s Joint and Muscle Pain Cream provides deep, instant relief for acute muscle and joint soreness. For more information on Shaklee’s Pain Relief
Finally, for reduced mobility due to muscle atrophy or muscle soreness, Shaklee’s Physique can be a real life-changer. Originally created for the U.S. Weightlifting Team to help quicken muscle repair, Physique has been used on older men and women with great results.In one study of 210 elderly patients, 72% who used Physique daily had an increase in energy and more muscle mass in just six months! An increase in muscle mass can help one to avoid falls and/or be the difference from using a cane or needing a walker!
Finally, staying mentally sharp as we age is very important. Shaklee’s Memory Optimizer and Mental Acuity Plus both help support good brain health. Shaklee’s Mental Acuity Complex improves circulation overall, especially blood circulation to the brain, and Shaklee’s Memory Optimizer improves memory AND increases one’s ability to learn new information!
Shaklee has put together a special section on Women’s Health that offers product tips and testimonials.

2) Cinch Success Story of the MonthOur Cinch success story this month comes from Jean, who admittedly “never stuck to a diet her entire life”. Jean is now 14 inches and 32 pounds healthier with Cinch! Get the whole story and see her before and after picture at: Then get started creating your own Cinch Success Story by purchasing the Cinch Starter Kit. It has everything you'll need to get started on the path to a healthier, skinnier you. CinchStarter kits
Support your inch and weight loss efforts along the way by regularly visiting for recipes, meal plans, tips, and community support on the Cinch message boards!
************************************** 3) Project MAHMA: Moms at Home Making a Difference…And a Lot of Money!Shaklee products are made for moms. Our products help keep every member of the family strong and healthy—and homes toxin-free and environmentally safe.
Project MAHMA was formed as an opportunity for moms to have the very best for their families’ health, and plan for their financial future. For mothers to realize their personal potential, make a difference in the lives of others, earn good money and do it all while being able to stay home with their children.
Call 925-924-3232 at your convenience day or night for a 3-minute Project MAHMA message that features a wonderful accumulation of testimonials clips from moms working from home, being with their children while contributing to the financial well-being of their family. We welcome you to contact us to learn more about how Shaklee can work for you!
“With a professional background in Child Development, I have always understood the importance a healthy home-based environment in which children could flourish. My Shaklee career allowed me the privilege of raising our two children as well as creating the financial means that provided for all their needs, from infancy to college. Being my own boss, the governor of my own time, and the comptroller of my income inspires me even today. The idea of being an eco-mom, one who appreciates the concept of building as career based on sharing vital information about health and environmental products and its people-based opportunity is an idea to embrace.” --Jill O’Mara Lamoureux, Shaklee Master Coordinator
We hope you've found this special newsletter dedicated to women everywhere helpful. Please feel free to pass the newsletter along to women you know who would benefit from this information. We appreciate any and all referrals.
Yours in Health,