Saturday, April 26, 2008

Gold Amabassdor Program


GOLD Ambassador Program Promotion – Now It’s Easier than Ever to Move from Phase 1 to Phase 2 – Now Through June 15th!Without a doubt, the best way to get started in Shaklee is through the GOLD Ambassador Program. And now, for a limited time only, you can sponsr 3/6 instead of 3/12! When you make the step from Phase 1 to Phase 2, you become eligible to earn $75 (instead of $50); each time you personally sponsor a new GOLD Ambassador who purchases a Mission PAK. In addition, you become eligible to earn GOLD bonuses each time someone in your downline sponsors a new GOLD Ambassador!This special promotion applies to everyone who has not yet achieved Phase 2 status in GOLD. So if you have already personally sponsored your 3; and 4 have been sponsored in your Group, you only need 2 more sponsored in your group to progress to Phase 2. And get this – if you have already sponsored 3/6 – you automatically move into Phase 2!
GOLD Ambassador Success Statistics (Based on August 2007 – January 2008 PV Month):
96% of all new Directors who joined Shaklee since August, joined as a GOLD AMBASSADOR;
On average, a GOLD Ambassador’s average order size is 98% higher than a Member or Distributor’s;
GOLD Ambassadors sponsor 12 times more new people;
GOLD Ambassadors use 4 times more product each month on a continuous basis;
GOLD Ambassadors are 57% more likely to re-order;
GOLD Ambassadors are 60% more likely to become a new Business Leader.
Give your new business builders the best possible start through the GOLD Ambassador Program!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April Shaklee Newsletter "Earth Day Products"

Dont for get this check out this for Earth Day go here

Welcome to the April issue of your Shaklee Newsletter. This month, in honor of Earth Day (April 22nd), we highlight how you can personally join with Shaklee to offset your impact on the environment.
By now almost everyone has heard of global warming or climate change. But what is it? And is there anything you can really do about it? In this issue, we offer a simple explanation and share the good news on what you can easily do to make a world of difference.
We also highlight the world’s most dangerous household cleaners and how to replace them with Shaklee’s non-toxic Get Clean products. And, we feature three Get Clean "recipes" to tackle some of the toughest cleaning jobs: the oven, sink drains, and carpet!


In this Issue:

1) Earth Day 2008: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

2) The Most Dangerous Cleaners in Your Home
3) Shaklee Get Clean "Recipes" for Ovens, Drains and Carpets

1) Earth Day 2008: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint.We all impact our environment by the energy choices we make, the lifestyle we lead, and the products we buy. In modern times we have radically increased our use of energy sources like oil, coal and natural gas. Burning these fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

Today, the average home generates 20 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year. This is what’s called our carbon footprint—our personal impact on the CO2 emissions going into the environment.
A little bit of carbon dioxide is a good thing – it keeps the planet warm and habitable. Now, however, we are putting so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that the planet is getting too warm.
Climate change is a significant shift in temperature and weather patterns around the world. While some changes are normal, the vast majority of scientists agree that our activities are causing dramatic changes to the Earth’s climate.
Climate Change EffectsThe effects of climate change are already visible – melting glaciers, the migration of plant and animal species, and an increase in severe storms, to name a few. What will happen next? No one can say for sure, but here are some possibilities:
Rising sea levels destroy coastal areasFrequent and intense heat wavesMore droughts and wildfiresExtinction of millions of speciesSpreading of weather-sensitive disease
So what can we do about it? For starters, each of us creates a "carbon footprint" based on our energy use. When we do certain activities like drive, fly or heat our homes, we emit carbon dioxide. What you can do is to reduce your carbon footprint by making some simple changes in your life (see below for 10 suggestions) and then offset (i.e. neutralize) the balance of your carbon emissions by donating to projects that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Shaklee is the first company in the world certified by the Climate Neutral network to offset 100% of its CO2 emissions resulting in a net zero impact on climate change. This means Shaklee not only painstakingly determined the CO2 "footprint" of its total operations, but that they also invested in proactive external offset projects to zero out their global climate impact.
This past year Shaklee partnered with Millennium Promise to facilitate direct emissions reductions by providing sustainable solar energy to electrify villages in Malawi, a democratic country in southeastern Africa. Millennium Promise is an organization established by Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, which prototypes ways to implement the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals.
"We’re delighted to partner with the Shaklee Corporation. Partnerships with private companies are crucial to the overall mission to end poverty in the poorest places of the world. Promoting solar energy in African villages will provide much-needed electricity and also encourage renewable energy sources as a sustainable model." -- Dr. Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, author of The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time.
You can zero out your global climate impact too! Shaklee teamed up with the American Forest organization to make it easy for you to offset your carbon footprint by donating trees through the Shaklee "A Million Trees, A Million Dreams" campaign.
To determine your carbon footprint use the online calculator at:

There you'll find out your annual household CO2 emissions and the annual number of new trees needed to absorb your amount of CO2 use.

You can then make a donation for the number of trees needed to offset your CO2 emissions. It’s that simple! Over 602,574 trees have been planted so far. Help us reach our goal of one million trees!
Reduce Your Carbon FootprintThere are plenty of things you can do to reduce your carbon emissions. Here are ten ways to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills, too.

1) Turn down your thermostat. Even one degree makes a big difference. And adjusting the temperature when you’re not home can save you close to $100 a year.

2) Close and/or line your curtains to keep in warmth.

3) Turn off the lights. It’s an urban myth that it takes more energy to switch the light on again than if you'd left it on in the first place. So if you’re popping out of the room, switch lights off. And the radio or TV, too. Just switching off four unnecessary light bulbs makes a big difference. While you’re at it unplug appliances not in use.

4) Bring Your Own Bag. The correct answer to the familiar grocery store question, "paper or plastic?" is neither. Only 20% of paper bags get recycled and plastic bags not only take a thousand years to decompose, they use up nonrenewable resources. Bring your own sturdy reusable bag.

Shaklee offers a lightweight, but sturdy reusable shopping bag in a bright green color with the Get Clean logo, so you can spread the word while you shop. Comes in a 6-pack that will take the place of hundreds, maybe even thousands of single-use bags over their lifetime.

For more information on the Get Clean Green Shopping Bags go to:

5) Use the half load setting on washing machines and dryers.

6) Don't boil more water than you need. Boiling a quart of water to make a cup of tea wastes water and the energy to heat it.

7) Fix leaks.

8) Use energy saving light bulbs.

9) Rideshare or use public transportation whenever possible.

10) Switch your household and laundry cleaners to Get Clean by ordering the Get Clean Starter Kit. 248 pounds of greenhouse gas are eliminated when you buy the Get Clean Starter Kit versus using conventional ready-to-use cleaners. And, you keep 108 pounds of packaging waste out of landfills. Plus, with all the uses Get Clean products offer, you'd have to spend $3,400 to get the same cleaning power with conventional cleaners.

Order your Get Clean Starter Kit online at:
For those on a budget order the smaller Get Clean Healthy Home Pack at:

By using Get Clean products you'll not only help reduce your carbon footprint, you also remove harmful toxins from your home, save money using concentrated cleaners and enjoy a "cleaner clean" as Get Clean outperforms twelve national brands. What’s not to love!
Get Clean By the Numbers (so far):23.8 million - Number of pounds of greenhouse gas emissions eliminated with the purchase of Get Clean Starter Kits 10.4 million - Pounds of packaging waste kept out of landfills 602,574 - Number of trees planted through the Million Trees. Million Dreams campaign. 1 ton - Amount of cardboard rescued from other companies and recycled by Shaklee every day.


2) The Most Dangerous Cleaners in Your Home.Did you know that 90% of all poisonings occur in the home? That 218,316-reported poison exposures come from household cleaning products, with 121,498 poisonings of children under the age of 6?
We are all at risk from the chemicals in our home. However, those who are most at risk are children, pregnant mothers, people who clean houses for a living, and animals (there were 131,336 animal poisonings last year (89% of them dogs).
It’s important to educate yourself on what you bring into your home.

The National Institute of Health has set up a great Household Products Database at:

where you can get health and safety information on household products.
We also recommend you watch The Toxic Brew - a recent Canadian news consumer report about the dangers of household cleaning products.

You can view it online at:

Some cleaning products are worse then others. The following household cleaning products are designated as "household hazardous waste" by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who states that "improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and pose as a threat to human health". They include:
Oven CleanersDrain CleanersWood and Metal Cleaners & PolishesToilet CleanersTub, tile, shower cleanersBleach (laundry)
Unfortunately, there are over 81,500 registered chemicals, but only a fraction of which have been tested for human health concerns. So other household cleaning products not on this list may be as harmful or worse.
The easiest thing to do to avoid bringing toxic cleaning products into your home is to switch to Shaklee’s Get Clean cleansers. They contain ZERO chemicals that are harmful to you and your family and to our planet’s health. You can replace most of the above list of dangerous products with the following Shaklee products:
Basic-H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate: Ultra concentrated just one pint makes 48 gallons of all-purpose cleaner. H2 has literally 1,001 uses and cuts through the most stubborn grease and grime from almost any washable surface.

See Basic-H2 Wipes if you want the convenience of a wipe, with the cleaning power of H2.

Scour Off Heavy Duty Paste: Made from natural mineral abrasives and biodegradable cleaning agents, Scour Off gently removes stains other cleansers can't. It is great for cleaning tubs, ovens, appliances, countertops, sinks and tiles. It will even remove rust. Scour Off is also great for cleaning stainless steel, chrome, copper, brass, aluminum, fiberglass, formica, porcelain, slate, grout, cement, ceramic, and imitation marble.

For more information, or to order online go to:

Nature Bright Laundry Booster and Stain Remover. Instead of noxious chlorine bleach, use the natural enzymes and active oxygen found in Nature Bright to re-brighten laundry and de-stain clothes. Nature Bright works great for removing stains from carpeting and upholstery. Remember to test a small area for color fastness first.

For more information go to:

Germ Off Fragrance Free Disinfecting Wipes: Kills odor causing bacteria found on hard, non-porous household, kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Great for cleaning and disinfecting around the toilet, too.

(For cleaning inside the toilet and disinfecting other surfaces, consider Basic-G Germicidal Cleaner: Basic-G is tough on germs, but gentle on the Earth. Please note that Basic-G is not officially a part of the Get Clean line, because it is a concentrated disinfectant (one quart makes 64 gallons of disinfectant cleaner) and as such requires a safety cap. (All products designated as Get Clean do not require a safety cap).

For more recommendation on Get Clean products to use to clean surfaces see the Shaklee Surface Guide for which Shaklee cleaner is the best for most surfaces at:


3) Shaklee Get Clean RecipesUnlike most conventional cleaners, Shaklee Get Clean cleaners are safe to mix together. In fact, some difficult cleaning jobs are best done by combining Get Clean products. Below are three Get Clean "recipes" to overcome some of the toughest jobs.
Shaklee Get Clean Oven Cleaner:Oven cleaners with their harsh abrasives and toxic fumes are one of, if not the most dangerous cleaner. To clean your oven the safe "Get Clean way" use the following:
2 ½ teaspoons Fresh Laundry Powder1 tsp Basic-H21 ½ tsp Scour Off1 Cup Hot Water
Mix the above ingredients in a 16-oz Spray bottle. Spray mixture over the inside of the oven.For especially difficult areas, wipe down with Scour Off straight on.Set pan of very hot water in the oven.Close oven door and let set for 20 minutes.Wipe off with dishcloth.
Shaklee Get Clean Drain Cleaner:1 tbsp Basic-H21/2 tbsp Scour Off1 tbsp Dish Wash Automatic ConcentrateMix in ½ Gallon of very hot water, pour down drain.
Shaklee Get Clean Carpet CleanerUsing a steam cleaner or rug cleaner (like those rented from a store). Prespot major stains or spots with Nature Bright beforehand, then scrub them lightly after they've soaked for a minute.
In Steam Cleaner, add the hot water first, and then add 2 ounces of Basic-H2 and 1 tbsp. of Nature Bright and clean away! Note: If interested in disinfecting your carpet add 1 oz. of Basic-G and use 1 ounce less of H2. Note: Do not use Basic-H2 if your carpet has a stain guard on it as H2 can remove the guard. Instead use the Shaklee Fresh Laundry Powder or Liquid.
For a complete list of Shaklee Get Clean products go to:


Thank you for choosing Shaklee for your family’s health and wellness needs. Please feel free to contact us with any Shaklee-related questions

Happy Earth Day!
Your Shaklee Distributor

Tim & Tammy Presley


Taking Health to the Next Level

Ph: 800-657-5430

Listen to a 3 minute message from Shaklee Success Line at 1-866-490-4311Lose inches - Keep muscle - Guaranteed 3 minute message 925-924-3030