Friday, March 7, 2008

Healthy Life March Edition

With March being National Nutrition Month, we turn to nutritionist and Shaklee Leader, Barb Lagoni, who addresses one of the biggest nutritional health challenges most of us face today – breaking the dreaded Sugar Habit. We also highlight one the biggest advances in nutritional science – Vitalizer and why you should make it a part of your daily life.
Our Cinch success story this month is about Elana, a single mother of five and a teacher, who is now a total of 15 1/2 inches and 47 pounds healthier.
And, with all those new Get Clean users out there thanks to Get Clean’s recent appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show, we share just one of many testimonials from people who are definitely sold on Get Clean! Finally, we close with a link to the March specials, save while you can!
In this Issue:
1) March - National Nutrition Month
2) Breaking the Sugar Habit
3) Cinch Testimonial of the Month
4) Get Clean Testimonial: "I Am Sold"
5) March Specials
1) March - National Nutrition Month
March is national nutrition month, which means it’s a great time to look at your nutrition habits and how you are feeling and make some positive adjustments.
Are you often feeling fatigued or run down? Feeling old? Does your hair and/or skin not look as good as it use to? Are you catching every cold that comes around? Are you worried about osteoporosis or have other health concerns or challenges?
Perhaps it’s time for you to get on a good nutrition program. As the number one natural nutrition company in the United States, Shaklee has led the way on nutrition for over 50 years. Today, Shaklee is the only company to clinically-prove that long-term use of its supplements leads to a lower prevalence of some of the major diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and creates the foundation for a longer, healthier life.
The clinical proof came from a Landmark Study of people who took a variety of Shaklee supplements for twenty years versus people who took no supplements or people who took another brand of multivitamins. The results were impressive to say the least; Shaklee users had better blood nutrient levels, lower risks of coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, heart attacks, diabetes, better levels of good cholesterol, lower levels of triglycerides, lower blood pressure and lower inflammation in their bodies. Just as impressive was that long-term Shaklee users were four times more likely to describe their health as "very good or excellent" compared to non-users.
To download a copy of the Shaklee Health Sciences Bulletin about the Shaklee Landmark Study go to:
The results from Shaklee’s Landmark study helped Shaklee scientists to create Vitalizer, a convenient daily strip of vitamins. Each strip includes Vita-Lea, a comprehensive and balanced multivitamin/mineral supplement with at least 500 mg of calcium and vitamin D. Comprehensive antioxidant nutrient protections, including Vitamins C, E, and beta carotene to help protect cells against aging. A revolutionary sustained release B-Complex with critical B-vitamins including folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, to help protect DNA and support healthy aging. A full spectrum of omega-three fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease, as well as improvements in inflammatory and metabolic balance. Finally, a small pearl-sized probiotic capsule guaranteed to deliver millions of live beneficial bacteria to support healthy digestion and immune function.
All in all, Vitalizer delivers 80 bio-optimized nutrients into your body and even more impressive, releases them at just the right time, in just the right places along the digestive track for your body to best utilize them. Vitalizer’s SMART delivery system features an astounding twelve patents. You could say that Vitalizer is to vitamins, what color TV was to television! Vitalizer is a quantum leap in nutritional science that helps you to feel significantly better, with more energy and vitality today, while also giving your body the nutrients it needs for a healthier tomorrow.
For more information or to order Vitalizer online go to:
Members only:
As a Shaklee member, when you put Vitalizer on Autoship, you'll get your monthly supply automatically delivered to your door, and save and additional 10% off the member price! To learn more about AutoShip or to set up an AutoShip order go to:
Not a member an want autoship then go here : Sign-up Today!

Members Only:
2) Breaking the Sugar Habit
One of the biggest challenges of eating healthy is removing simple carbohydrates, sugars and empty-calorie snacks from our diet. Sweets and snacks, chips and pasta, crackers and pretzels, potatoes and rice, soda pop and juices… are everywhere…
These foods are high-glycemic. That means they spike your blood sugar, only to see it plummet an hour or so later thus creating fluctuating blood sugars that lead to cravings, binging and no room for healthy choices.
Such cravings are not about will power. They are about metabolic imbalance which creates cravings for fast sugar and carbohydrate snacks.
The following diet and nutritional supplementation program are ways many people have successfully kicked their sugar habit and enjoyed good, healthy food again.
Breakfast: Start your day with a good breakfast. Include high protein foods like eggs and turkey sausages. Other good options include:
--Swiss oatmeal (rolled oats softened overnight in milk or plain yogurt) with almonds and fresh fruit like blueberries or strawberries (avoid high glycemic fruits for breakfast such as pineapple, banana and grapes)
--One of the Shaklee’s low-glycemic Energizing Soy Protein shakes, or delicious Shaklee Meal Shakes, or the new low glycemic Strawberry Cinch shake for a healthy instant breakfast.
Lunch: A great time for a main dish salad. Be sure to include lots of vegetables, whether in a salad or as a plate of fresh veggies, maybe with a dip.
The key to a great salad is to try a variety of at least six different ingredients to create crunch, color, and flavor…
Start with, a variety of greens: peas, broccoli, green onions, bok choi, spinach, etc, but no iceberg lettuce (no nutritional value there). Feel free to add sprouts, red and green cabbage, fresh white mushrooms and/or shredded carrots. Lightly steamed green beans or asparagus are also good.
Add a little sweetness occasionally with dried cranberries or dried cherries, one fresh orange (rind removed and chopped) sliced apples, pears or grapes.
Add crunch to your salad with your choice of sliced almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or Shaklee’s excellent Fiber Crunch.
Add flavor to your salad with sundried tomatoes, fresh herbs (water cress, parsley, cilantro, etc.) or pesto. For protein to your salad, add chopped cooked chicken, turkey, tuna, garbazano beans or chopped hard-boiled eggs.
If there’s no time for lunch – then Cinch Meal-in-a-Bar or a Cinch shake (but make time for lunch next time!)
Mid-Afternoon Snack: A Cinch snack bar with a cup Cinch Energizing Tea is a great way to boost your energy and get over any mid-afternoon slump. Vegetables and dip make a good snack as well. Or you can treat yourself to Shaklee Peanut Butter Fudge (made with 1 cup organic peanut butter, 1 cup Shaklee Energizing Protein, 1/3 cup honey, ½ cup Fiber Plan Daily Crunch ---mmmm…yummy!
Dinner: Avoid high glycemic starches like potatoes, pasta and rice. Also avoid fried foods! Include, LOTS of vegetables... fresh or lightly steamed, plus meat, poultry and/or fish.
For beverages, we recommend replacing soft drinks with Shaklee’s BestWater filtered water in a pitcher with cinnamon sticks, ginger root slices, or fresh mint for flavor. For more information on BestWater go to:
Non-Members :
Members Only:
Evening snack: Sorry no popcorn… it’s a high glycemic carbohydrate). Instead choose nuts, a Cinch snack bar, veggies and dip, or a piece of low glycemic fruit like an apples or blueberries.
Following the diet recommendations above will go a long way towards breaking your sugar habit, but adding the additional Shaklee supplements below will really help you get over the top where you can finally control your sugar and carbohydrate cravings once and for all.
Shaklee Nutrition Program to stop cravings for sweets and carbohydrates:
1) Vita-Lea Multi-vitamin or Cinch 3-in-1 Boost, or Vitalizer
Members only:

Vita-Lea Multi:
Non-Members :
Members only:

Cinch 3-in-1 Boost:
Non-Members :
Members only:

2) Shaklee B-Complex (alleviates sugar cravings. Take one with each meal and anytime you eat something sugary or sweet)
Members Only:

3) Glucose Regulation Complex (helps normalize blood sugar levels)
Members only:

4) Shaklee Fiber Plan Tablets or Fiber Plan Daily Crunch (helps maintain stable blood sugar levels)
Non-Members :
Member only:

5) Energizing Soy Protein (a healthy, low glycemic way to add needed protein)
Members only:


3) Cinch Success Story of the MonthOur Cinch success story this month comes from Elena, a single mother of five and a teacher, who discovered the joys of Cinch during a chiropractor visit. Get the whole story and see her fantastic before and after picture at:
Then, get started creating your own Cinch Success Story by purchasing the Cinch Starter Kit. It has everything you need to get you started on the path to a skinnier you. And, if you buy a Cinch Starter Kit this month, you can get an additional box of Cinch Shake Mix packets at 50% off – that’s a savings of $24.95! Find out more at:
Non-Members :
Members only:

Soon you'll have your own "cinchspirational" story of success, which also could earn you $500 if selected as the Cinch Success Story of the month! Support your efforts along the way by regularly visiting for recipes, meal plans, tips, and community support on the Cinch message boards!
4) Get Clean Testimonial
Get Clean is Shaklee's nontoxic and environmentally friendly line of cleaning and laundry products that has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show several times now as one of her favorite things. Who knew Oprah was such a clean freak?
Besides being great household cleaners, Get Clean products are safe for use around your family. They have ZERO ingredients that are hazardous to humans. In addition, the average household generates 20 pounds of HAZARDOUS waste every year. Switching to Get Clean products with the purchase of a Get Clean Starter Kit, helps to eliminate 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills, and 248 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. One Get Clean Starter Kit is the equivalent of planting ten trees.
Here's what one Get Clean switcher had to say…
"I have found that I don't have to have 22 bottles of different cleaners. My new Basic H2 can do it all--glass, countertops, woodwork, appliances! I also love the dish liquid (Dish Wash Concentrate) - it lasts forever and the automatic dish powder (Dish Wash Automatic) leaves no spots or residue. I am sold!" –Jeannie D.
If you aren't already using Get Clean, learn more about the greenest, safest, cleanest, and smartest cleaners you can buy at:

Members only:


5) March Shaklee Specials
There’s still time to take advantage of Shaklee's winter specials. For more information go to: Non-Members:
Members only

We hope you enjoyed this month’s March newsletter and that you've been inspired in some small way to live your very best life! Feel free to contact us with any questions; we’re here for you!
Yours in health Choose Shaklee,